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Kayla was looking at herself in the mirror, thinking about the rejection. She was still upset over the fact that he chose some skank that doesn't a damn about the pack, over her, a girl, who cares about the well being of the pack, and she felt like  the best part of her  is the buttload of melanin in her.

Kayla shook the thoughts off and continued to get ready. Kayla planned on finding a wanted child rapest in the neighborhood. Apparently he only commits his crime at nights, when he breaks in their rooms at night. Kayla was prepared to kill him, she had a gun, and a knife. She also has on gloves so that if she needs to get rid of the weapon, she won't have her finger prints on it.

Once Kayla was done getting ready, she grabbed her things and left walked out the house. Everyone was sleep, so no one woke up or even notice. Once she was outside, she was walking around, when she saw somebody, trying to break into a house, she did a fast walk over there, and saw that it was a he, and that he was trying to break into a kids room.

This is him. The child rapest.

Kayla grabbed her  gun from her pocket, and she aimed it at his head, she made sure that she a  was good length from his head, so that she  wouldn't get blood splatter on her clothing. Once she was a at perfect distance, she shot him. He was instantly dead. She looked at the gun in her hand, and she  smiled. He wouldn't mess with a kid again or anyone else at that matter.

Kayla was slowly loving growing addicted to the thrill that killing produced. After the killing, Kayla left immediately. Once she got home, she went to her closet, and put her clothes from tonight, in a secret compartment in her closet. She then put on her pajamas, she put her hair up, in a hair bonnet.

And with that, she fell asleep.


Kayla was in the cafeteria, talking with her friend, Sierra, when people started talking about a murder last night. Kayla was a little scared that she would get caught, but realised that she hasn't left any evidence at the scene.
Also when she was putting bullets into the gun, she made sure, had on her  gloves. She kept in mind, that when you kill, touch as little stuff as possible.

Soon everyone including Kayla and Sierra, left to go to their rooms. Kayla had music again. She had to sing a song that was about heart break, she immediately thought of a song, Pray when you catch me by Beyonce.

She was waiting for her turn, which was after Britney, who decided to do some song, that had nothing to do with the topic. When Britney was done, she got up and walked to the front of the room.

She grabbed the microphone, and started to sing.

(Her voice ^)

You can taste the dishonesty, it's all over your breath
As you pass it off so cavalier, but even that's a test
Constantly aware of it all, my lonely ear
Pressed against the walls of your world


What are you doin my love?

After she was done singing, Kayla got up,  went back to her seat. She grabbed her notebook, and started to write a sad poem.

(I found this poem online,  I did not write this!)

When your heart is broken it is the saddest thing in the world.

All your energy leaves you and everything in your life seems to lose all meaning.

You gave your heart and soul to this love, and now it is no more. How can your heart ever be whole again?

There is a very deep thought attributed the Mystical Rabbi of Kotzk, "there is nothing as whole as a broken heart".

Although a broken heart is painful, it brings a person to turn to God. He realizes that he is ultimately alone in the world except for God who is always there to comfort him.


Kayla was in the backyard smoking. Kayla turns to smoking when she stressed or heartbroken. Kayla doesn't smoke on the regular. She hated the idea of gaining a addiction to smoking. When she got done, Kayla decided to go to a local bar, and get a couple drinks. Although she was underage,  she had a way of getting in. You see the bartenders love seeing a little body, if ya know what I'm saying. *wink, wink*

Kayla had on a short black dress, her hair was curly and going down her back, she put on a minimal amount of makeup. Once she was done, she got into one of the pack cars, and drove to the club.

She went to the bouncer, and she pulled her dress down, to show him some of her cleavage. The bouncer let her through the door, and Kayla smilied.

The power of the boobs!

She immediately went to the bar. She ordered 3 shots of whiskey. She was ready to get drunk, and maybe sleep with somebody. She was tired of feeling the pain of him sleeping with Britney. It will also make sure, that he will never fool her  into giving up her virginity to him.

Like that's happening.

She became super intoxicated and she soon saw this super hot guy, she smelled him, and saw that he didn't have different smell. You see werewolves or any other supernatural creature, can smell and see if a human has any kind of STD.

Once she realised he didn't have anything, she pursued him, and finally managed to get him to a hotel room, where they had intercouse.

She fell asleep with a smile.

Rejected And I Became A Serial KillerWhere stories live. Discover now