17. This was already the worst day of my life.

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Chapter 17

Alexis’ POV

‘’mother, this is Alexis.’’ Draco said and introduced me to his mother. I smiled polite to her and held out my hand nervously . She looked at my hand for seconds, ooh-oo. Now what. She probably doesn't like me.

but suddenly engulfed me into a hug.

‘’I’m so happy my son finally found something.’’ His mother said to me. ‘’I’m just glad it’s me. Mrs. Malfoy.’’ I said polite.

‘’please, call me Narcissa.’’ She said warmly and smiled. I nodded and smiled back. Draco took my hand again.

‘’well, let’s go. Grab my hand. Alexis.’’ She said kindly to me. I did as she said and she apparated us to the Malfoy manor.

It looked the exact same as last time. I shuddered at the memory. Draco felt it and squeezed my hand. I looked at him. he smiled sadly. I knew he didn’t like what his father did to me.

We followed his mom into the kitchen. She ordered the house elves to make us some tea and sat down at the bar like counter in the kitchen. (AN: I’ve no idea what this is called..)

‘’so, Alexis. Tell me something about you.’’ Narcissa asked me nicely. ‘’uhm. I’m a pureblood. My parents were Jack and Eliza Jones. They died, so I live with the Weasleys.’’ I mumbled.

‘’ooh, dear. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I’m sorry I asked.’’ Narcissa said. ‘’no, no it’s fine.’’ I assured her. She smiled relieved.

A house elf appeared with the tea and then disappeared.


I woke up from a soft kiss on my cheek. I opened my eyes and I saw Draco standing over me.

‘’happy Christmas baby.’’ He said grinning and kissed my lips.

‘’happy Christmas Dray. I love you.’’ I said and smiled at him. ‘’I love you too, babe. Come on. Mother is waiting for us.’’ he said and walked away, still in his pyjamas.

I followed him, to see everything was decorated with Christmas things. I smiled. I loved Christmas.

‘’good morning dear.’’ Narcissa said smiling to me. ‘’good morning Narcissa. Merry Christmas.’’

‘’ooh, dear. A letter came for you.’’ Narcissa said and handed me the letter.

I quickly opened it. I wanted to know who would actually care enough for me to send me a letter on Christmas morning.

(AN.. this page 100 on word!! Let’s celebrate with votes and comments!!)

Dear AJ,

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