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I just realized I've been updating every day, I'm doing so well lmao
I also feel like this is poorly written ¯\_()_/¯

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jack was bouncing with excitement, rushing through the airport until he spotted a giant green sign saying, "JACK!"
He was greeted with a guy in a purple shirt, it said Muyskerm on it, and Jack assumed it was Bob, wearing his own shirt.
"Jesus christ, you're tall," He let out once he got closer, and Bob laughed.
"No, you're just tiny."
"Tiny? I'm five-nine! You've gotta be over six foot!"
"Aw, cute. Mark is five-ten. You guys are perfect for each other."
"I am too tired to deal with you," Jack laughed, shaking his head. He wasn't about to admit he was glad Mark wasn't as tall as his friend.
"Septiplier awayyyyyyyy," Bob whispered, making Jack laugh, "Come on, we have to hurry, we're gonna be late."
"God, it still feels like the middle of the night," Jack whined. He was truly exhausted, but the excitement of meeting Mark was overpowering it. Sure, he was excited to meet the others, but he wasn't hopelessly in love with them.
If you had told him a few months ago that he'd have a growing YouTube channel and an Internet almost-boyfriend, he would've called you insane. He never expected his life to change this much so quickly-
"Are you even listening?" He was cut off by Bob's voice, and he realized they were standing in front of the car, another man sitting inside.
"Honestly? No. Could you repeat that?" He asked sheepishly, Bob rolling his eyes in response, telling him to get in the car.
"Hey, Jack!" That voice was impossible to miss.
"Hey, Wade, what's up?"
"We're about to stuff you into a cake!"
"Dude! I told you that wasn't happening!"
"We already ordered it, paid for it, and it's waiting for us. You will be in this fake cake. He has a real one too," Bob answered cooly.
"Am I being taken hostage?"

"Mark, stop pacing, you're making everyone nervous," Matt said, flopping down onto a couch, "It's just Bob and Wade, they've been here before."
"I know, I know, but I don't like surprises," Mark sat down next to Matt, "I have no idea what's happening today, and everyone else does. It freaks me out."
"If it helps, you're gonna love it."
"That doesn't really help, no."
"Sorry," He shrugged, and Mark sighed.
"Dude, it's your birthday, why do you look so upset?" Ryan had come into the room, looking worried.
Mark let out a loud groan, dramatically collapsing onto the floor, and Matt took the liberty of explaining, "He doesn't like surprises."
"Ooohhh, well, you'll like it."
"Still doesn't help," Mark muttered, "Where's Daniel?"
"I dunno, he said he needed to go record something really important, I guess that thing he's been working on lately?" Ryan shrugged, taking Mark's previous place on the couch.
"Is he gonna be here at all?"
"I hope so."
A knock on the door brought them all out of their thoughts, and Matt jumped up, "I'll get it!"
He heard the voices of his friends Bob and Wade, and Mark quickly brought himself to a standing position. He watched as they came into the house, Bob wheeling a gigantic cake in front of him, looking proud as he stopped in front of Mark, "Happy birthday!"
"I swear to god, if there's a stripper in there..." Mark trailed off, looking worried.
The top suddenly flew off, a familiar voice shouting, "I'm better than a stripper!"
"SEÁN!" He grabbed the green haired boy in a hug, pulling him out of the cake and spinning him around, Jack clinging tightly to him. "I thought you couldn't come?!" He set the boy down, still holding him.
"It wouldn't be a surprise if you knew I was coming, ya big doof!"

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