forty three

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     Wednesday, June 29, 2016

After a good thirty minutes of Jack listing all the ways they could die on the roof, he had finally settled down, and was now laying next to Mark, finally stargazing, as promised. The ladder had fallen with a loud clatter, and they couldn't decide whether it was a miracle or unfortunate that  no one inside had waken up.
"This is nice," Jack murmured, eyes tracing the Little Dipper. It was hard to see all the stars that were there, LA was such a bright city. In Ireland, you could see every star in the sky, at least, at Jack's old cabin, you could.
"Even with the lingering possibility of death?"
Jack laughed, "It might be worth the whole dying thing. I just wish there wasn't so much light pollution."
"I'd take you somewhere nicer, but we're kinda stuck here."
"I'd like that, though. When we get down, I mean."
"Then I will. It's a date."
Jack smiled. He wasn't looking, but he knew Mark was smiling too.
"I never thought I'd meet someone like you."
"What do you mean?"
"You're amazing, Seán. You've changed my whole world. I mean, sure, all the bad thoughts are still waiting around, and make me think and feel awful things, but when you're around...they don't bother me. I can only be happy when I'm with you."
Jack didn't notice, but he was tearing up a little, and had to sniffle before he could respond, "You do the same for me, Mark. Everything is horrible and sad and lonely when I'm not with you. God, when did we become so dependent on each other?"
"I don't know, but I don't like it."
"Why not..?"
"You have to go home at some point."
The reality of it struck him like lightning. How was he supposed to leave Mark behind? Mark wouldn't want to come with him, and Jack didn't want to move to LA. He hadn't thought about leaving until now. He was only going to be here a few more days, and then what? How could he leave? Everything he knows is in Ireland, and everything he loves is here. In LA. With Mark.
"I don't think I want to go home."
"Please don't get my hopes up."
Mark thought they were both crying a little, but it was him especially. He knew Jack would leave him eventually, but he wasn't ready. He didn't want to face the sadness or the anger or the loneliness again. He didn't want to forget the feeling of holding Jack in his arms. He didn't want to only see his face over a computer screen.
All of this had happened so fast. How had they both fallen so quickly? The two had latched onto each other, and even with so much happening in such a short span of time, they had managed to stick together through it. It only made them want to separate less.

I made myself cry a little with this one, oops.
Anyways, I'm here to announce that I'm writing two new Septiplier stories! One is called From Smoke and Flame, and the other is called This Means War. They're both going to be very different from this one, and one will even be written in first person, which is a switch but I think it'll make it easier. Both are very different concepts that I doubt anyone's written before (I hope), so I'm really excited to get them up and running.
With that said, though, I'll be making a new updating schedule once they are published!
I'm going to start updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from then on, and Saturdays and Sundays when I have the time.
This will start once FSaF and TMW are up and have a few chapters finished. No idea how long that will take. In the meantime, I'll try to keep Message Me posting every day.

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