6- Not Ready

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I woke up later that day wearing nothing but my bra, underwear, and Kells Kurt Cobain shirt. I rolled over to see if Kells was still laying there, and I saw he was nowhere in sight.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and sat up and grabbed my ripped jeans off the floor and threw them on. I rubbed my eyes and walked out to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and saw Kells sitting at the table with a McDonald's bag in front of him.

He smiled. "Morning, gorgeous."

I smiled back and walked over and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me. "You got breakfast?" I yawned, looking in the bag.

He nodded. "Yeah, I got you a hashbrown and a sausage mcmuffin."

"My favorites." I yawned, pulling them out of the bag. "Thank you." I said with a mouthful of hashbrown.

He laughed. "You're welcome. I also got you an orange juice. It's in the fridge. I can get it for you if you want." He offered.

I nodded. I got up off his lap and he got up and went to the fridge and pulled out and orange juice and came back over to the table and sat down, pulling me onto his lap.

After I finished, I leaned into Kells, him pulling me close. "You know you didn't have to do that, right?" I asked him, kissing his jaw.

He chuckled. "Babygirl, that literally only costed ten bucks, and McDonald's is like a ten minute walk from here. I don't mind."

"Oh," I smiled, noticing he was wearing a shirt. "Did you go home and change too?"

"Nah, I found this in your closet." He told me, looking down at his shirt. "It looked about my size, so why not? I mean, you have mine."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. I probably wasn't even gonna wear that anyway."

After a moment of silence, me almost falling asleep on Kells lap, he spoke up and said, "So your mom called earlier. I forgot to tell you."

"What'd she want?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"Nothing much. She told me to tell you after you woke up that she was working a double shift and won't be home until around probably ten tonight."

"Oh, okay."

"Hey, so um, school starts next week." He informed me.

"Fuck." I groaned. "I haven't even gone shopping for supplies yet."

"You really don't need anything." He shook his head. "Probably just a notebook and a pencil. You'll also want your headphones and your mp3 player. And bring a lighter. They don't have smoke detectors in the bathrooms."

I nodded. "I'm really not ready for this." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Every school I go to, it's always the same. They bully me. They say I'm too skinny, too short, goth, anything they can come up with, really." I breathed, forcing a laugh. "I've been to seventeen schools, and fourteen homes. It's always the same."

I felt a tear roll down my face and I instantly felt embarrassed. I looked down, trying to hide it, but Kells noticed. He lightly grabbed my chin and titled my head up so I was looking up at him.

"Come here," He said lightly, adjusting me so that I was sitting with my legs around him. He wiped a few tears away with his thumb and then kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful, don't you ever think differently. You're not too short, or too skinny, and who cares if you're goth it whatever?"

I scoffed. "Kells, I'm barely five foot tall, and I weigh like eighty-five pounds. I'm definitely not normal sized."

He smiled. "Yeah, and you're adorable just the way you are, okay?"

I nodded and looked down at my lap. "And I promise, if anything happens to you, I'll take care of you." He told me, kissing my forehead again.

I nodded, trying my hardest to believe him, and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder.

"You'll be fine." He told me. It sounded a little muffled, since he had his face buried in the crook of my neck. "You got me."

"Kristiana Marley Cochran, wake your little ass up!" I heard Kells yell and I fluttered my eyes open.

I looked up and saw him walking into my room, wearing ripped jeans, a grey Sex Pistols shirt and a big smile.

"What time is it?" I grunted, putting my pillow over my face to shield my eyes from the sun.

I felt him sit down next to me on the bed. "It's like six something." He told me.

I sighed. "Is there any particular reason you are waking me up at six in the morning?" I pulled the pillow off my face and sat up to face him. I rubbed my eyes and then ran a hand through my long black hair.

"School starts in like two hours and we have to catch the bus in an hour." He told me.

I groaned loudly and flopped back down on my bed, causing Kells to laugh. "Fuck!!!" I yelled. "Mom!!"

She came in the room a minute later and stood at the door. "What do you need, honey?" She asked.

"Why did you let this douche bag wake me up?" I looked at her with my resting bitch face. Kells and her both laughed.

"Because you need to be getting to school." She laughed.

"Gross." I sighed as she left the room. "I have to pee. I'll be back."

I got up and walked to the bathroom, leaving Kells in my room. When I came back, I had him help me pick out an outfit.

We agreed on his Kurt Cobain shirt (which I ended up keeping from last week), a pair of ripped black jeans, and my beat up high top Chuck's. I straightened my hair, did my makeup, and brushed my teeth.

Forty five minutes later, I was ready, and we walked to the bus stop together after telling my mom goodbye.

"I don't wanna do this." I sighed as we sat down on the curb.

He chuckled and intertwined his fingers in his. "You'll be fine. I promise." He told me and kissed my hand.

A moment later, the bus pulled up and I took a deep breath and stood up and waited for the doors to open. Kells squeezed my hand comfortingly and smiled lightly at me.

One we got on the bus, I followed Kells to the back, noticing a few girls staring at us on the way back. I could tell some of them wanted Kells. Others were shocked by the new girl holding hands with the white boy that lives in the trailer.

We sat in the last seat, and I brought it up to him.

"Well they'll just have to get over it, because I'm yours." He smiled at me. "Oh, I almost forgot, I got you a little first day present."

He smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out two joints and handing me one. I smiled at him and put it into my pocket, careful not to tear it.

"You can do this."

I've actually been writing a lot more than I've planned. I didn't think I'd be able to write because I've been so busy lately.

Stay wierd.

June 12, 2016

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