Ruining the suprise

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Grace P.O.V


8 hours earlier....

Will you just wait and let me check it out
You insist you don't want to go to the clinic
So let me please check if i can help

Just go....Dan try to shield him self away from me.

Please just let me
Am just trying to help

I can see the pain in his eyes
His vision blur with tears
But he his trying as hard as he can not to let it split.

Please Daniel let me just check if there is anything broken or if there's a way I can help please.

People have already surround us since it started some minutes ago.

Am only trying to help
I repeat even after daniel refuse my help for the 6th time.
How would i have done this on purpose,how would i have repay him with this even after everything he had done for me saving my life and even showing he cares when no one does.

Did he really think all this happen on purpose,did he think i will hurt him, he thinks i hate him.

I don't
I don't
I don't hate him
I don't hate Dan
Despite the fact that he saved me from dying, I like him
I do
Am grateful for all he's done

I was glued to a spot looking at Daniel's now broken arm,More like it shift.

Please let me help you Daniel just stay still don't stand or try to stretch the hand.

Go away he blurt out
I can see how painful it is for him to have said that a trickle of tears drop down from his eyes.
I said go,just leave
You have done en......
Ahhhhhhh he scream out in pain.

Grace just leave...angel was facing me with an angry expression on her face, it will be better for you to just leave. She say turning her back to me before squatting down next to Clark who was trying to help dan out of the cafeteria.

I can't take this anymore
I need to leave
My vision are beginning to go blur
I can't break down in front of everyone.

Even angel though I planned it, or she's mad at me cause all Daniel ever want is to help right from the start.

I need to leave
I turn around quickly facing the door and ran as quick as possible out of the cafeteria.

                     Earlier that day

Have you called Dan Yet or try to unblock him. Angel ask.
No I haven't and I think I won't I reply standing up from the couch.

Why ?? She ask

Nothing that boy is weird and I don't want to get too close to him i reply even though It's a lie.
Even after he save your life ??? you can't even say thanks ?? So tell me Who's weird ? She ask

You cant understand.

Yes i cant she reply,she stand up and  walk towards my vanity shelf to grab her purse before heading for the door.

Hey,Where are you going ?
now dont tell me you are going cause of what we just discussed?.

Like seriously i dont no what's your problem
Grace.she turn facing me with an angry expression,just grab the dame phone and say thanks

Okay i will tell him tomorrow at school. Are you happy now ?  No she reply
Am serious i will
No you won't you will probably postpone it.

Seriously I will

and beside you should unblock him and telling him trough text ain't the best way. Its like breaking up with a text massage.

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