Your perfect soulmate
Doesn't have to be your significant other.
It could be anyone
Whose presence brings delight to your heart.The kind of person
Who knows how to make you laugh,
Who knows how to control you
And how to keep you together.The person you don't just think about
At 2 am in bed staring at the ceiling.
But the one who pops into your mind
When you're busy as hell at 2 pm.The person who makes you feel loved,
Makes you feel happy,
Makes you feel worthy.This could be your best friend,
Your sister or your mother.
Could also be your cousin,
Your brother or your father.Or maybe that boy in class
Who always says jokes to make you laugh.
Or your online friend
Who's always willing to listen to your rants.You never know.
"A soulmate is a person who can revolutionize your world in one second."'t.know**************************
I wrote this in around 10 minutes, so I'm not sure if it's good enough or not.
But then perfection doesn't exist so I decided to publish this.
Hope someone understands the message behind it. :)
Keep smiling, you're your own best asset.
Poetic Writings
PuisiHeyy everyone! This is basically my second poem book. In the first one, I have written poems by my classmates - please check that out too. I've made these myself so I just hope you like them. :) If you want to use any of these poems in whatever form...