Bilbo Baggins is a very respectable Hobbit. Never taking part in perilous adventures, or anything of the sort. But after a close encounter with a wizard by the name of Gandalf the Grey, an adventure comes rolling towards him face first! A lively gro...
Bilbo, still wildly bewildered from today's events, prepares himself dinner. Right when he was about to dig into his fish, a knock, echos through the halls. Bilbo quickly stands up to fetch the door, and when he opens it, a tall, bald Dwarf, stands proudly there.
Bowing his head, he states; " Dwalin, at your service." And quickly enters poor Bilbo's home, thrusting his belongings upon him, obviously to heavy for the small Hobbit.
Bilbo whimpers under the weight of the heavy armor, dropping it at his feet, before scurrying after the dwarf. "Bilbo yours." Dwalin simply roams around Bilbo's hose freely, not even asking to come in at all. Bilbo quickly speaks up, seeming as though he has missed the memo. " I'm sorry, do we know each other?"
The dwarf simply states "No," before continuing to another subject. "Which way laddie? Is it down there?"
" Is what... Down there?"
" Supper. He said there was food, and lots of it!"
If he wasn't confused before, he was now. Bilbo was growing anxious by the second. Poor thing.
" He said? Who..who said what?"
Dwalin didn't answer, just sat down, and started to eat Bilbo's special fish dinner. Practically shaking, Bilbo just stood there, dumbfounded by the sight in front of him.
" Hmm...Very good, any more?" The dwarf questioned.
"What oh uh yes!" Bilbo reached for a plate of biscuits, stealing one for himself before giving the plate to Dwalin. While the dwarf stuffed his face, Bilbo questioned him.
" It's uh, just I wasn't expecting company." But just then, another knock comes from the door.
"That'll be the door." Snipped Dwalin.
Bilbo warily stepped toward the door, and opened it to reveal a white bearded dwarf.
"Balin at your service."
"Good evening." Bilbo said in barely a voice.
"Yes, yes it is, although I think it might rain later, am I late?" More and more showed up, and when Bilbo opened the door this time, a whole group of dwarves toppled over and into Bilbo's home.
Moaning and groaning, they all got up and wandered into the hall. Behind them stood Gandalf, and what Bilbo assumed a girl dwarf. Though, when observed closer, Bilbo realized she was not a dwarf, and in fact...a Hobbit.
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She had shoulder length brown hair, and bright, piercing blue eyes.
"Come along Athena!" Chirped Gandalf, quite eager to start the meal.
Athena, so Bilbo assumed, strode in, long coat trailing behind her, and much to Bilbo surprise, she wasn't wearing a dress either, she had on pants that were fitted to her legs, a shirt that had no sleeves, and hugged her neck. (like a low hanging tank around the arms that comes close to your neck.) Her arm wraps were worn and old. Shoes large, dirty and falling apart.
Bilbo had never seen a Hobbit wearing shoes before! Much less attire such as this! This Hobbit was different, and Bilbo was captivated by it.
She had a hand outstretched for Bilbo, awaiting a handshake. " Well ello there! I'm Athena", she bowed, "At your service!" and with that, she left Bilbo there, mesmerized by such actions.
"Oi! Fili! Kili! It's good to see you my brothers!" Her accent caught Bilbo's attention, but only for a moment, before shoving it off and resuming his bewildered manner.
Bilbo turned and saw the dwarves raiding his pantry, digging and throwing his stock about carelessly. He is all but exited for this get together, trying to get the dwarves to put back his food, when Athena comes by, passing out ales, and chugging them down herself! Once again stunned by such actions, Bilbo almost didn't notice a fairly large dwarf come by, holding three large blocks of cheese.
" Um excuse me, but isn't that a tad bit excessive?" Asked Bilbo. "Hasn't he got a cheese knife?"
Another dwarf answers, one with an odd looking hat. " Cheese knife? He eats them by the block."
Turning around just in time, Bilbo sees another two dwarves trying to get more chairs, and Bilbo shoos them off. After the are gathered in the dinning hall, Bilbo stares at the pantry, which has been cleared
Walking back into the dwarves makeshift dinning room, he watches in awe as they dance around on the table, passing out ales and conversing loudly. Athena was the one Bilbo paid most attention to, subconsciously,she ate and drank as the dwarves did, yelled and shouted at them to. Her mannerisms absolutely bewildered him, she was clearly an odd one.