Missing you

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Sun rays strained through the thick beige draped. My eyes slowly fluttered as I struggle to keep them close. I opened my eyes, slowly. I felt hand on my stomach. It was manik.  I removed his hand just to found his and my body  naked beneath the sheets. Last night flashed in front of my eyes like a film.

Realisation dawned upon me. What I did last night ? I untangled myself  from his grip, carefully. I moved away from him. My mind went blank. I didn't know how I feel about this.

To be honest I feel nothing.

Just empty from inside.

I covered my naked body with sheets and rushed towards washroom. I shut the door without creating any noise. I kept my hand on my mouth, stopping myself from crying loud. I muffled my sobs. The thought of last night left a bitter taste in my mouth. I stepped under the shower and turned the faucet on. I discarded sheets from my body letting water drenched my naked body. I don't want to think about last night but I can't help myself. I still can feel his touch on my body. His lips lingering on naked body. I don't know how I should feel about it?

So it was a one night stand right ? And you asked for it. How could you ? My subconscious asked. I feel disgusted with myself. I covered my face with through my palms, feeling completely discouraged and lost.

I came out. Manik was still asleep. I didn't know what I will do or say when he would wake up. I dashed outside and begin to prepare the breakfast. My thoughts were still clouded by last night. I couldn't wrap my head around it.

After 30 minutes I arranged the breakfast on the table. I should leave for my work before he wakes up.

"Nandini"I heard his voice. He came out from his room.

"Why you didn't wake me up"he asked.

"Sorry I forget. Breakfast is ready "

"Okay, let me have shower first"he said and dashed out. After 10 minutes he came out. I severed him.

"Nandini sit and have your breakfast"he said casually. He sounded okay ? As if nothing happened between us last night. I sat away from him. He gave me a skeptical look as if asking what's wrong ? We ate silently. After a while we both were done with our breakfast.

"where you work ? I will drop you"he said

"No I can manage"I moved away from.

"Nandini wait, why are you  ignoring me ?"he asked. I looked everywhere but him, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Look at me"he held my chin as he look straight in my eyes, piercing my soul with his gaze. His eyes met mine, I can see unknown fear in his eyes.

"Tell me, what is going on inside you. I want to know, ls it about last night ?"A lump formed in my throat, I couldn't find my voice so I choose not to answer him.

What I was suppose to tell him ?

"Speak up, damn it"he yelled, I flinch at his words.

"Manik I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what ?"

"Sorry for last night, I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't thinking straight for its just happen. I was so frustrated and angry. It was just a weak moment"I regret saying those words the minute they came out from my mouth.

He stared at me for a second, as if he was processing my words in his mind. He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes for a second. His eyes looked sad when he  opened them.

"You mean it was just a weak moment for you?"

"No it wasn't, I mean I just got carried away so many things happened last night. I wasn't thinking I'm sorry. I was frustrated because of"I couldn't complete. His eyes widen, shock and surprise plastered on his face. He looked torn.

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