Chapter 10

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J-Hope's POV

             I woke up this morning with a massive hangover. I opened my eyes and I saw Evelynn's eyes open. Damn she's beautiful. Wait...Why was she in my bed? Then I realized I wasn't in my room. I was in her! I took a good look at her and she was...NAKED?! I looked under the covers and so was I. I fell off the bed and I heard a 'ouch'. I was on V's back. He pushed me off and he too was naked. I looked around and everyone was naked. "Shit where's Kookie?" I asked myself. V and I got up and looked woke up the others. After that we looked at Evelynn and she didn't move one bit. We fixed ourselves up and we went to see her again. It looks like she hadn't slept all night. I moved her covers and...we...saw...ALOT...of...blood. Everyone's eyes were extremely wide. We did this to her...I covered her up and we went to our own rooms. After we got dressed we all went downstairs and saw Kookie on the floor face down. Rap Mon Hyung went to him and flipped him over. "Yo guys come quick!" he said. We ran to them and he was beaten up very badly. Rap Mon Hyung picked him up and put him on the couch and  checked if he was breathing and thankfully he was. He grunted and opened one of his eyes. "Kookie what happened?" Jin Hyung asked. He didn't say anything, but started to get teary eyed. I ran to the kitchen to get him something to drink. When I came back to him he drunk it and said thanks. I nodded. "Now Kookie who did this to you?" asked V. "All of you" answered Kookie. All of our eyes were wide. " After you guys told me to take her to the hangout, She cleaned me up from GOT7, Next we watched a movie, Then she went to sleep in her room, After that I fell asleep here and hours later you guys came and were drunk".  He paused for a second and started talking again saying "I asked what took you guys so long and V Hyung pushed me, I got up and Jimin Hyung pushed me, then you all went to Evelynn's door and Jin Hyung kicked it down because it was locked. I was protecting her from getting hurt but Rap Mon Hyung grabbed me and tossed me to you guys while he was going after Evelynn and he knocked her out really good and took off his clothes. Then you guys kept beaten me up and Finally you all had your turn with her. Suga Hyung tossed me out her room and I was laying on the floor crying. After I was done crying I crawled downstairs and laid down on the floor".

          My mouth was open, Jin had his fist balled up, Rap Mon punched the wall and his hand was bleeding, V was on the floor with his head down while Jimin and Suga was walking back and forth. I can't believe we did this to her. Yeah we six slept with girl, but not forcing them, and we use condoms. Man we are so dead. If her dad found out about this all six of us is dead and I'm not sure what will happen to Kookie. "What are we going to do?" Jimin asked Jin. "We have to tell him about GOT7"  answered Jin. "No we can't. Her dad will find our DNA on her" said V. All of a sudden we heard a bang. "I'mma check" said V. He walks upstairs and started to scream for us to come upstairs. We all ran upstairs and saw Evelynn hanging her self while everyone was getting her out of it. Someone called 911 and V was holding her and making sure she was breathing and she was. Finally the ambulance and V went with her. Everyone went to the car and Jin drove. Once we got there of course we had to stay in the waiting room. We were all panicking and tried to keep calm on the outside. Then the doctor came out "Are all of you here for Wu, Evelynn?" it was a different doctor. "Yes, how is she?" asked Jin "Well I have good news and bad news" said doc. "Good news please" said Jin. "Well she's alive, but there seems to be something wrong. That I'm not sure yet I'll look into her records. Her skin is freezing cold. Do any of you know what happened?" said/asked the doc. "We...We...uh..." said Jimin. "What he's trying to say is that we are still shock of what happened. She hung herself" said I. "Can we see her?" asked Kookie The doctor no, because she needed sleep. And said that he has to contact her dad and he left. Shit, shit, shit. We all looked at Jin and we have to find a way to make sure he doesn't know what happened. So we all went to the car and started talking. I just remembered that we have to face GOT7 before school. Time now is 7:40am.

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