The lost girl

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Blaire's Pov

Ouch! Damn it! I'm still stuck here. On the wall with blood dripping from my forehead. Tape over my mouth, trying to escape. I've been here for 3 days and I'm starving. My head is pounding from scraping it against the wall trying to get away from him.

Chapter 1 ( Ben)

Blaire's pov

"Bling" "Bling" New text message from Ellie.

Ellie: Hey let's go to mall.

Me: ok see ya in 20.

Ellie: alright I'll get Rosie


Me and Ellie an Rosie have been friends since we were born. Our parents were best friends and they named us all after each other so we all have the same middle name; Mae. It's Sunday and I'm leaving for the mall in pjs.

Ellie's pov

Just painted my nails black getting ready to go see Rosie and Blaire. I put on gloves because its freezing! I have dark blue leggings, maroon hair, and a black shirt with buttons. I leave for the mall. " Damn girl you look fine!" " Haha thanks!" I say to the tall black haired guy with dreamy eyes. He comes over.

Rosie's pov

Just got a tx from Ellie saying come to mall. Put my hair in a braid with hoop earrings and red pants. Gotta say I'm pretty cute! Got my new uggs and I'm out the door. I get in my dark red porshe and drive off. I get at the mall to see Ellie talking to some guy?

Ellie's pov

"Haha yeah! I would love that!" "Good" says Ben the dreamy eyed boy. Rosie comes over just as Ben leaves. "Who and what was that?" she asks. "That my beautiful friend was Ben Clay the hottest guy I've ever seen and he wants US and Blaire to come to his party on Saturday!!" "OMG your kidding?" "Nope" I answer. "Wow we're totally going he's super cute!" She says. Here comes Blaire, I'm so excited to tell her the news".

Blaire's pov

"Hey guys, what's up?" Ellie rushes over telling me about some guy with black hair and dreamy eyes? Rosie explains and says we're going to his party saturday. " Um no guys I'm not going to some strangers house?" "Um yes you are". Says Rosie. "Fine i,ll go but I call dibs". I say. "Wow!!" They say. "You haven't even met him!" "Haha still" I said.

Chapter 2 ( School and setting up)

Blaire's pov

It's 7:14 at school waiting for Rosie. she comes over and talks to me about Ben. "Totally dreamy, super hot, and irresistible!" " And all mine". I reply with a giggle. We go shopping later and I by these amazing uggs and a gorgeous scarf.

Ellie's pov

We went shopping yesterday and I think I'm all ready for the party! I'm super excited. Going to bed.

Rosie's pov

It's 10:30 an I just got done trying on my new outfit! love it and I'm so excited for saturday!!

Chapter 3 (all ready)

Blaire's pov

Alright I've got my make up on and I'm looking good! My brand new outfit is gorgeous. I'm super excited for the party!! Suddenly I get a text from Rosie.

Rosie: hey I'll be at the party in 10!

Me: kk be there soon!!

Rosie: see ya!

I decide to tx Ellie telling her I'm on my way.

Me: I'll pick you up in 5!

Ellie: kk super excited!!

Me: Ikr!!

Ellie's pov

Damn I look good! Me and Ben are totally gonna hit it off! Blaire will be here soon so I'm just sitting on my bed waiting! I'm so excited. Blaire pulls up in her pink escalate with the windows down. "Get in girlfriend!" "YAY!" I yell!

Chapter 4 (party)

Blaire,s pov

The music is blasting when we pull up into Ben's driveway. Ellie hops out as fast as he can expecting to beat me but of course, I see him first. I get out as he walks towards me with open arms. I hug him. Wow he's a good hugger! He hugs me tight like he's never going to let me go, he smells like axe, but not too much. It's perfect!

Rosie's pov

I'm already here blowing up Blaire's phone trying to find her. I get up to walk around and I see Blaire an Ben hugging! Oh my god it's like a movie! It looks so perfect. I decide to walk over. "Hey guys what's up?" I say. "Oh I'm so glad you could make it." Ben says with that charming look. " Um yeah whoops". Blaire says with this awkward look as she lets go of Ben.

Blaire's pov

We walk away laughing at the silence. Ben grabs my hand. My mind and heart explode with love as I smile when he gives me that charming look! We all go inside and talk for about 3 hours, I've Ben on his lap the whole time.

Ellie's pov

Holy crap Blaire and Ben won't get off each other. Ben has been flirting with all of us but he still obviously likes Blaire best. " Haha, so who gets Ben at the end of the night?" says Rosie. "Me!! I called dibs!!" yells Blaire at the top of her lungs! Blaire and Ben get up and walk to the bathroom.

Blaire's pov

I get up to go to the bathroom and Ben follows me. " Haha you called dibs?" He says as he grabs me by the waist bringing me into his lips. "I sure did baby." I reply with a smile. He pushes me up to the wall and kisses me. It's so smooth and sweet! And then suddenly I'm about to grab him and just fall on him when "Shit!" Yells Rosie from behind me! I turn around. "DING" "DING" "DING" The fire alarm goes off!! "Oh my god that's so loud!" Crash!! All these people in black outfits come in and start shooting!

Ellie's pov

Crash!! All these people come in and start shooting! I see Blaire rush towards me balling her eyes out! " What's happening!!" She screams! "I don't know I'm so scared where's Rosie and Ben?" " I don't know let's go to the car!" "Ok meet me in there I'll wait, go get Rosie!"

Rosie's pov

Shit shit shit I don't know what to do I'm in the bathroom balling! Oh NO someone's in here. I put my feet on the toilet so they can't see. The bathroom stall door opens an he grabs me by the neck, chokes me, hits me, and everything's black.

Blaire's pov

I can't find Rosie I run to the bathroom to check. She's there! Holy shit! She's blacked out against the wall with someone holding her. I hide and he runs out of the bathroom with her in his arms! I'm screaming! I run outside to find Ellie. What the hell? She's gone. Someone grabs me!

Chapter 5 ( trapped)

Someone grabs me! I turn around and it's Ben. "OMG thank god your here!" I yell! " I've been looking everywhere for you babe? where we're you?" I say! He comes over and it's not because he wants to hug me? He puts his hand over my mouth and knocks me out. It goes black.

I wake up. I'm naked tied up to this wall with duct tape over my mouth! I try to scream but nothing comes out. I hear a whisper "Shh your with me now." Its Ben! I try to hit him but I can't! "No no don't gut it you'll just have to pay more consequences."

I hate him! Why did we come to this stupid party! It's all Ellie's fault! Well no I guess it's not. WHAT DO I DO!!!! My mind is spinning and I'm extremely confused! Ben gets up and leaves. I so try to get up and fight but I can't!

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