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"Louis! Louuuuiiiis!!" Harry sang loudly shaking the boy awake.

Louis grumbled and flopped over making Harry huff and cross his arms pouting out his bottom lip "Cmon Louis please I don't want Liam to yell at me again. Last time you didn't take your medication, well let's say I got the talking of a lifetime..." Harry drifted off with a nervous chuckle.

Louis turned over with a look of confusion and his eyebrows were crinkled. He slowly sat up as he asked "Harry are you hallucinating again? Are you having an attack....?" Louis's words slowed and became quieter and quieter with each word he said. Harry didn't hear him though because he had gone to the bathroom to get Louis's pills.

Louis hesitated in his words because when he looked around he was no longer in his room, he was in a nicer version of it. It was the same room but...cleaner, larger, more modern, different.

"Harry...?" Louis asked in a shaky voice.

"Yea doll?" Harry said smiling walking out of the bathroom and sitting down on the bed next to his boyfriend. Louis then noticed he was in a comfy king sized bed.

"Where am I..? Why is everything different...?" Louis said with wide eyes now getting scared since he was really confused.

Harry's smile fell and he stared at Louis for a long pause. Harry quickly grabbed Louis's hand and he looked like he was about to cry "Babe? What do you think you remember?"

Louis's head was spinning and he blushed since Harry was calling him all these pet names "Well we are in an asylum. I'm in here for being gay and you're in here because you have a lot of mental issues. We have some friends here and they all have issues too...are you sure you aren't hallucinating right now Haz?" Louis asked with furrowed brows.

"Shit..." Harry mumbled under his breath before calling Liam, his best friend who happened to be Louis's Doctor.

Louis watched and tilted his head in confusion as Harry's eyes started watering. Harry started shakily punching in numbers on the phone. After a second Liam picked up.

"Hey Li...."

"It's L-Louis..." Harry turned his back to Louis because he didn't want the boy to see him crying.

"It's happening again..."

Louis was confused so he tried to ask again "Harry where are we? What's making you upset? Was it the director?" Louis was trying to comfort Harry since he thought something was wrong.

Harry turned and looked at Louis in confusion before his features crinkled and he started crying "N-Not this ag-gain p-please!"

"Harry...?!" Louis yelled confused why Harry was so upset.

"L-Louis." Harry stated before staring at Louis with a watery gaze "It is the year 2016. We have been dating for 6 years now. We live together in an apartment. Louis...." Harry sucked in a deep breath shaking his head before shakily exhaling "you have schizophrenia...."

Wtf was even this fic honeslty why

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