Chapter 7

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   All rights reserved to Rick Yancey

          I wake up to find Cassie in my arms , I feel her bare skin against mine,

I smile as I remember the events of the previous night. I look down at her , she looks so beautiful , so peaceful , so perfect.  I know that it might sound weird, but even though we may be the last people alive on this plant of over a billion, If I could go back I wouldn't change a lot if  I could still end up with her . My Cassie . My mayfly . My beautiful mayfly .

       I look over at the clock , 9:47 am it reads. I gently shake cassie to wake her, when that doesn't work I lean down and lock my lips on her neck . My lips travel down to shoulder.After a minute I feel her arms wrap around my neck.    " what are you doing?"

      "Waking  you up " I keep kissing her neck , making my way down to her shoulder , she softly groans with pleasure. My lips travel farther but before I reach my destination there's a knock at the door , good thing I locked it . I kept kissing her skin , trying to ignore the knock . It gets to the point I yell "what the hell do you want?" Cassie punches my shoulder "what was that for ?" I whisper. She rolls her eyes "that could have been Sam or Meg.  " 
      "Get up , we have matters  to discuss." A deep voice  yells .Ben. I am going to slap him , no kill him for not leaving us alone . But instead of listening I keep kissing cassie's shoulder when he adds "NOW!!!" I stop kissing her . I hear cassie murmur something unpleasant towards Ben , as I get out of bed .

Ben and I have been talking lately about the future.  How to raise Sam and Megan, how to raise our child on the way . We thought about  traveling, and we agreed  that traveling is best . We will need to travel in 2 weeks , 3 weeks at the latest . We need to go south of the United States.

The last star alternate ending Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora