Two - Truth

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Eric puts on his jacket and grabs his leather briefcase to head home for the night.  Turning off the desk light, he turns around to look at the football field from the window in his office.  It's a beautiful sight.  He can't believe that after all this time, he's finally a coach for the NFL team Dallas Cowboys.  He never thought he would end up here; coaching college was the best he thought he would do.  How he landed this was still a mystery to him but he loves it.  Sure, a part of him feels guilty for making Tami quit her job as the Dean of Admissions for the college in Philadelphia but she's got to love the money now... right?

"Beautiful view right?"

Eric turns to see Mallory, the new marketing advisor walk in.  She's a beautiful, young, blonde petite woman who just graduated college.  Her and Eric have gotten to know each other since they're both new to the Cowboys.  Mallory is sweet.  He loves being around her because she's the only one that's not so damn political like everyone else in the franchise.  He can tell that Tami isn't very fond of her.  Since he's been announced as the new coach last year, the press never fail to post a picture of him with Mallory at events.  The pictures are posted with articles saying something on the line of them being a couple.  He knew he would have to convince Tami of otherwise when she saw so he told her before she had the chance to see it on the internet.  After the tears and yelling, he wrapped her in his arms and told her numerous times that was he was too in love with her to even think of being with someone else.  This stopped Tami from crying for now but he knows she's highly suspicious of Mallory.  At the banquets, Tami attaches herself to Eric's side and refuses to let go, 'marking your territory' is what Eric calls it.

"Yeah it is.  I don't think i've gotten used to it yet." Eric says, untying the red tie he has on.  She watches him before shrugging her shoulders.  "I don't think I ever will." she bites her bottom lip.  The atmosphere in his office feels odd.  Feeling uncomfortable, he motions to the door.  "I was just on my way out.  Did you need something?"  she shakes her head, walking further into the dimly lit office.  His hands are on his hips.  She pulls at the black pencil skirt she's wearing and is standing a few feet away from him.  He can smell her perfume, lavender and vanilla, it reminds him of one Tami wears.  


He walks by her and stands by the open door.  "Well then, if you don't mind." he says softly.  She looks at him before walking his way.  Mallory is almost out of his office when she stops in the doorway and turns to look at him.  "Don't play so hard to get." she says in a low voice.  Walking away, he turns to not watch her.  Eric had a feeling this was going to happen.  Gripping the door handle tightly, he takes a deep breath before closing the door and leaving; walking the opposite direction of Mallory.


Stepping into the busy airport in Austin, Lyla finds the man responsible for her rental car.  When she takes the keys and finds the car, she loads her bags before driving to the town she thought she would never have to return to.  The whole point of a life in Nashville for this very purpose: to never return to Dillon.  She thought she had the chance to leave it all behind but the thought of coming back for her father's funeral never crossed her mind.  In fact, he never crossed her mind.  After the whole incident of blowing her college tuition, she pushed Buddy away and was glad to be on her own once she got to Vanderbilt.  

On the long drive to Dillon, thoughts of her father flood her memory.  She never called for Christmas, never sent him post cards, never told him 'Happy Birthday'.  Guilt floods her veins and tears begin to fall from her eyes.  How could she be so selfish?  Yes, this man threw away her future and cheated on her mother but he's still her father.  

When she makes it to Dillon, she drives around before going to the house she once lived in when her parents were still together.  The town hasn't changed a bit.  Dillon Panthers stickers are still everywhere and she sees people wearing the t-shirts.  Sitting at a red light, she sees a bar sign that catches her eye.  "Buddy's".  The parking lot is empty so she pulls in.  Stepping out and walking to the door, she snickers at the all the panthers stickers covering the door.  That man and his Dillon football.  The door is unlocked and slams loudly behind her, making her jump.  It's silent and the floor is covered with cracked peanut shells.  The only light is coming from the beer bottle chandelier hanging above the bar where empty stools line up.  She looks around before walking over to the bar area.  Walking behind it, her fingers slide against the wooden counter top and she smiles when she sees a photograph of her in her cheer uniform taped behind the counter.

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