If you're reading this

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It had been a few weeks since he sat under the willow. Alfred sat in his living room, on one of the many couches, reading his journal that he kept through the years. He noticed how his handwriting changed, from a smooth cursive to choppy letters, then back to cursive, it made him laugh at that fact. It wasn't until he found a letter, one that he wrote himself, dated September 2nd, 1945. When he gave a closer look, he gave a small chuckle, he wrote it to himself.
"Dear my Future Self," Alfred read aloud "If you're reading this, We did it! We won, though you probably know this... Anyway, do you remember how Arthur used to smile at us, because he was proud? Well, today, he did just that, he grabbed my arm, and gave me a hug, telling me about how proud he was! But... wasn't he always proud? I mean I became a strong country just for him, to prove to him I could do it... Was he not proud then?" Alfred paused and shook his head at how naive he was, he was so young back then, still is. "If you're reading this... then We're in a better place right? Where soldiers live in peace, I can finally lay down my gun, I don't want to fight anymore... I mean I knew war was harsh... but after everything I've done, after what I've seen it do to our people is it really right for what we call... Peace? I just want to go back home, and lay down in that open field, do you remember it? The one by our house, with all those flowers? Yeah, I just want to lie there, and for once have peace... Good luck Future self... Sincerely, A.F.J." Alfred gave a sad smile, he remembered writing this, and he was glad he wrote it. In truth it reminds him of all the soldiers that were overseas currently. He grabbed his guitar and strummed.
"If you're reading this My momma's sittin there Looks like I only got a one way ticket over here Sure wish I Could give you one more kiss And war was just a game we played when we were kids I'm laying down my gun I'm hanging up my boots I'm up here with God and we're both watching over you So lay me down In that open field out on the edge of town And know my soul Is where my momma always prayed That it would go And if you're reading this I'm already home" A single tear fell down Alfred's face onto his guitar.

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