Chapter 1 New Beginnings

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Alison's P.O.V.

4 years ago...

I read the text over and over again, they wanted me? This is the best day of my life! I held the phone in my hand and pinched myself again to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. 

We want you to join our group at the popular table during freshmen year, meet us at the mall at 5 precisely. The text read.

I wanted to run over to Noah's house and tell him the good news but I was afraid of what he would think of me. Besides, we were suppose to go to a movie later tonight so maybe I could tell him then.      He always hated them, Meredith, Luke, Cameron and Emily. Even though they never payed attention to us to bothered us he hated them. He thought that they were snobby and stuck-up, they didn't deserve to be popular just because they claimed themselves popular and the kings and queens of West Hills Middle School and soon West Hills High School. I picked out a really nice outfit that they would like, after years and years of going to school with them, I picked up their style after constantly watching them in admiration. I rode my penny board over to the mall, I was a few minutes early so I waited around for them.

Standing in front of the mall I heard a car honk behind me and I turned to see them driving up in a convertible. How they manage to drive a car at this age without getting caught is beyond me. I smiled and waved at them.

"Get in loser, we're going on a drive." Meredith said. I gladly hopped in ignoring the loser part, I won't be a loser anymore.

"Alison Noel Johnson, nice to finally meet you." Luke turned around from shotgun and waved.

"Nice to meet you too Luke." I smiled and everyone took turns to say hi. They were pretty nice, I don't know why Noah doesn't like them. We drove for a while and I realized that we were in the upper part of West Hills, the nicer part. The place where rich people lived and everything was better. My parents had money but we didn't brag about it so that's why they didn't want to live in this area. Meredith pulled up into a driveway and everyone got out so I followed.

"Ali, welcome to my house." Meredith introduced.

"This looks amazing. I bet there are like 100 rooms in there." I said.

"Well, more like 25." Emily said. I followed them into the house and they took me on a long series of stairs until finally we stopped in a room. Going in I was so amazed at the view, it was so beautiful. It looked like a master bedroom and a giant king sized bed was in the middle, there was a balcony with tables set up and the view to the ocean was so breathtaking. I can't believe she lived here. I looked around the room and I couldn't help but drop my chin in amazement.

"I LOVE your house Meredith."I said still in awe.

"Pshh, you think this is nice? Wait until you see my house. I have a private movie screening room and a play room for video game of course." Luke said.

"I bet it would be wonderful too. I love the view."I said. We all sat down outside on the balcony.

"It's gotten boring by now if you lived here your whole life." Meredith said.

"I would never be bored from all of this." I whispered to myself.

"Now Alison, you must know the reason we called you here?" Emily looked at me.

"I think so. You wanted me to join you guys?"They nodded.

"Our friend Adam left us so there's a spot empty and we all thought that you would be a really great fit  with us. You're really stylish and your parents are very well respected and we really think you will be great with us." Meredith explained.

"One thing we have to be cleared about though Ali, your boyfriend Noah can't join us."Emily said.

"It's not that we don't like him, we just know that he doesn't like us. He's just not fit to be with us. He wouldn't like spending time with us." Cameron said.

"Oh, that's ok. Noah wouldn't want to be here anyways."I told them.

"Here's another thing Ali, once you're with us, you can't go back to being with Noah. So you're gonna have to break-up with him or else you can't be with us." Meredith looked at me.

"Me and Noah are not together, we're just best friends and we grew up together." I said.

"Regardless you're gonna have to drop him, do we have a deal or not?" Emily asked. I looked from her to Meredith to Cameron to Luke, they were all so serious right now. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't pass this up, Noah was going to have to go. I looked up at them with confidence.

"Done." they smiled and came to hug me. So this is what it was like, I'm one lucky bitch. Later we all went down to the beach and ran in the sand and the ocean together. We ended up going to a party that one of the high schooler hosted. As we were driving I got a text from Noah realizing that I was super later for our movie date, then I remembered what Meredith said and turned off my phone. At he party we all had a great time with each other and I took my first shot there. It burned like hell but it was worth it. This was my life now.

Present time

My parents decided to move to the Upper part of West Hills during sophomore year when my dad got a promotion and I moved closer to Meredith, Emily, Luke and Cameron. We hung out everyday after school and took turns going to each other's houses and just hanging out with each other. I saw Noah less and less and I didn't talk to him anymore. I wasn't allowed to but I missed him. As time flew by it was my senior year now and Noah disappeared from my life. I would see him occasionally at school and at small family gatherings but we don't talk anymore. He became the bad boy of West Hills High School and no one dared to go near him. Not even me.

I grabbed my keys and walked to the garage to go pick up Meredith and Emily. We alternated on who did the pick up each day and today was my turn.

"Bye mom." I said from the door and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day." She smiled and sent me off. I drove to pick up Meredith first and she was holding a cup of ice coffee in her hand and on the phone. She got in and ended the call.

"That was my oh so wonderful aunt, she's coming over for two weeks and I'm gonna be stuck with my oh so wonderful and cute cousin Clarissa." I could hear the sarcasm in her tone and I laughed. I remember Clarissa, she pulled on hair any chance she got and screamed for food all the time. 

"Remind me not to go to your house for the time being then." She smacked my arm and I laughed. 

"You have to help me babysit, I can't stand that girl."I nodded. We got to Emily's house and she hopped inside. 

"I have the best news ever!" She yelled. 

"Em, chill. What is it?" Meredith asked.

"I just heard from mom and dad talking that Adam is coming back to town and he'll be coming to school next week." Emily announce.

"Holy shit, Adam is coming back? I missed that guy so much." Meredith said. I can only vaguely remember Adam and what he was like. They use to be the best of friends. 

"I know right? When I found out I jumped for joy, oh Ali, you're gonna love him." Emily said and Meredith gave her a side glare that had her sank in her seat. I wonder what that was all about.

We got to school and I parked the car. We met up with Luke and Cameron and told them the good news about Adam. As we walked in someone ran and bumped into my shoulder dropping their book in the process. 

"Hey! What's your problem!" Luke yelled at the person but he continued running. I bent down and picked up the book. I opened the cover and saw the name and I couldn't help but gasp.




HEYY GUYSS!! this is my first ever book that I hope I will complete. I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter and don't forget the leave a comment and continue reading. THANKS SO MUCH!!


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