Chapter 2 An Old Face

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I looked at the familiar name and remembered all the good time we had before I left him. Meredith looked over my shoulder and saw the name on the book.

"It's been a long time since you last spoke to him right?" Meredith said.

"4 years."I walked inside with them and went to my locker.

"So you're gonna give it to him later?" She asked. I shrugged and put some stuff in my locker and walked to class with her. During these 4 years of high school I was especially close with Meredith rather than all the others. We were close but Meredith and I were the best of friends and we trusted each other with everything and came to each other for everything, she also lived the closest to me. We walked to class together.

I didn't see expect to see Noah so early, I usually never see him throughout the 4 years of high school and it was almost like he was avoiding me in the hallway. I saw him walk to the library and I ran to catch up to him. He didn't notice me yet and I was so afraid to talk to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to face me. He wasn't bad looking like a nerd, he was well built up and he had on his usual leather jacket and his eyes were cold when they met mine.

"Can I help you?"His voice snapped me out of my daze.

"I uhhh- wanted to give you this, you d-dropped it earlier in the parking lot." I don't why I was so scared. This was Noah, the same Noah that was my best friend and when we were babies we took baths together. I reached my hand out holding the notebook.

"Well thanks." He grabbed it and I'm left standing there.

"You can go now or do you need some help walking." He said. I shook my head.

"It was nice seeing you again Noah." I smile and walked away from him and I could faintly hear him say "Can't say I feel the same." He was still mad at me.

Flashback 4 years ago...

When I got home late at night that day mom was still up and she told me that Noah had came by and asked about where I was. I told mom about being busy and pushed the subject away. The next day Noah came over to the house and I begged my mom to say I was not home because I really didn't want to face him and I lied to my mom that we had a fight. He tried to text me and call me but I ignored it. This was already hard enough and he was putting up a fight.

I hung out with Meredith, Emily, Luke and Cameron more and more and I tried my hardest to avoid Noah and I think finally he got the clue that I didn't want to talk to him anymore. It wasn't until the first day of school that I saw him again. I was getting ready for the first day of high school and Meredith offered to pick me up. As I walked out the door I saw Noah there with his bag.

"Ali can we talk?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong that upset you? You didn't even show up to the movie." He said.

"Noah, I- I can't be friends with you anymore." I managed to speak out.

"What did I do wrong? Why are you throwing away all these years of friendship. I thought we were the best of friends."

"I'm sorry Noah, I can't be friends with you anymore. It's not you, it's me."

"That is the lamest line in the book, is that all you can think of?" Just then Meredith's car pulled up and suddenly Noah understood what was happening.

"Is it because of them? Why are you such a wannabe!"He yelled at me.

"I think we should just go our separate way in high school, I'm sorry Noah." I got in the car with Meredith and we drove away. I didn't look back but I heard him yell.

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