Chapter 6: Black Coffee; Part 2

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    A part of her wanted to say yes, sit with him and be close. To watch him as he work, hear his voice as they engaged into a random conversation. The reasonable part, however, argued against it. She had been determined to strip off any feelings she had for him just twenty minutes ago. She had told herself she would not see him as nothing else than a symbolic uncle, the roll her family had given him. Her determination banished as soon as she saw him. She could not be that weak. 

Grace glanced around, her eyes scanning the cafe. Her eyes landed on the chocolate mousse cake couple, they were asking for the bill. "I have to get back to work, but if I have time I will sit with you for a while."

"Alright," he smiled, understandingly.

Grace hurried to the waiting costumers. She placed the bill on the table for them, it had been on the large pocket of her apron. "Did you find everything all right, today?"

"Oh yes," the brunette lady said, "the cake was splendid!"

The older man was placing the money in the the bill case. "We will definitely come back."

"I'm glad you found everything alright," Grace smiled politely as the older man handed her the bill case. He gave her an extra ten.

"Tips," he smiled nicely, "for being so nice."

"Thank you," Grace, nodded in a grateful gesture. She slipped her tip into the apron pocket.

The kind couple left, after thanking her for the nice service. Grace collected the plates and cups in her tray. She took it back into the kitchen before going back to clean the table. The younger couple she had served was still talking to themselves, slowly eating their cheesecake. Grace too it as an opportunity to go back into the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes. She rather wash them as she could throughout the day than having to stay longer after closing time to do them at once.

The were not many dirty plates, Maura had already washed some a while ago. Grace washed a few plated before going back to check on the couple. They seemed to be wrapping up so she decided to stay. She helped Matt with an order, there was a new consumer but Maura was already on it. Finally, the couple asked for the bill. They paid quickly, it seems as they were in a rush. Grace didn't complain, the younger boy had left her a five dollar tip.

Grace stole a few glances at Robert while she collected the plates and cleaned the table. He was typing away in the laptop, his brows knitted together as he scanned some papers. He licked his lips, setting down the papers and continued to type. He let out a long, deep, sigh before taking a sip of his coffee.Afraid Robert would caught her looking, she picked up the tray with dirty dishes and went back to the coffee bar. Sighing, she placed the tray in the counter.

"I'm gonna do the dishes." She informed, in case there were more incoming dirty dishes to do.

"Don't look," Maura warned, "but the guy in the corner is looking at you."

Grace's heart fluttered. "No he is not."

"Yes he is," Louis confirmed.

"He has been," Maura added, "he was staring at you when you were with the consumers before the two that just left."

"I'm going to wash the dishes. " Grace ducked her head, trying to hide the blush that had spread through her cheeks and ears.

She pushed the door open with her him and set down the dishes in the sink. Grace sighed. Robert had been looking at her, for a moment she felt self conscious. She had not done much to her appearance for the day. Diana had told her she resembled a zombie, that could not be good. Had he, too, noticed the bags under her eyes and the tire look her eyes held? She hoped not.

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