Chapter 9: Dinner with the Matthews

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     Grace shut the door behind her, just arriving at her apartment after working the morning shift at the cafe. She didn't have class on Friday so she worked from seven in the morning until four. She had the rest of the day for herself and her family; her mother had insisted on Grace having dinner over at the house. But Grace didn't mind at all, she missed Lily, and her mother's cooking was always​ good. She didn't have any other plans for Friday. She did have plans for Saturday, however. Grace and her friends were hitting the club again for some drinks and dancing.

Grace hung her bag on the coat rack and headed over to her bedroom. She yanked the closet doors open and went through her clothes, looking for her white spaghetti strap dress. She pulled the dress out and placed it on the bed. Grace grabbed some clean underwear from the drawers and and her towel before heading to the bathroom.

She took her phone with her as well, playing the relaxing playlist she had set on her phone as she showered. She didn't take long, eager to get ready and head out. She was hungry and she wanted to see Lily.

She dressed herself, applied a light layer of make up to her face to avoid looking so pale. She did like make up, however, she did not enjoy the process of applying it. The only brushes she enjoyed holding were her paintbrushes.

Comfortable with the way she looked, she headed into her studio. Grace always liked to check the window to make sure it was close, not that she opened it often. She was very careful about her paintings and the strong smell of paint among other supplies she used didn't not bother her at all. Her nose was used to it.

Finding everything in order, Grace turned around to leave. Her eyes scanning her work in progress naturally. She bit her lip, eyeing her paintbrushes. She had an inner battle with herself, knowing that she had to get going but also dying to fill in the only white taunting spot in the painting. Rolling her eyes and sighing to herself she grabbed the pallet she was currently using, carefully removing the foil, which was to prevent the paint from drying.  She grabbed a paintbrush wetting it just a bit to make sure the texture wasn't too hard before dipping it into the already mixed paint. She filled in the spot delicately with nice short strokes. She used her finger to dab a drop of white into the pain before lapping it over with the brush.

Five minutes later, happy with the outcome, she covered the paint pallet with the foil and dropped the brush into the water cup. She hurried out before temptation resurged again.

Grace grabbed a jacket and her purse and headed out, locking the apartment securely before strolling down the carpeted hall. She smiled at her neighbors as they got off the elevator, Grace proceeded to get on.
There was not as as much traffic as she had expected, the drive to her parents house felt rather short compared to other occasions but she wasn't complaining.

Grace parked on the driveway and strolled to the front door. She knocked on the thick wooden door even though she had a house key on her possession. She had never returned it, nor her parents had requested it. Grace knew her parents and the would be offended if she ever tried to return the key.

David was the one to answer the door, a fond smile ripping through his lips as his eyes landed on his oldest daughter. She was old enough to live by herself, yet she would always be his little girl though his eyes.

The brunette embraced him in a tight warm hug which was enthusiastically returned. "Hey there sunshine."

Grace smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Where's Lily?"

"She's helping your mother," he said, both strolled over to the kitchen.

"Mom it smells delicious," Grace complimented as she walked in.

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