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I look at my reflection in the mirror. My long, chestnut coloured, thick hair was perfectly curled and messily, but gently, ruffled to give it that effortless look. My even completion was a perfect porcelain shade, with a slightly darker depth to my cheekbones and also a glisten that rested on the top of them. My wild eyebrows were just about tamed and my vibrant eyes were made dark with a little help from some eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. To top my look all off and nude-ish brown colour was resting on my lips.

I sighed taking in my appearance. Why couldn't I look like this all the time? I never, and I mean never, would usually sit through all that just to look somewhat decent.

But, then again I guess going out with the girls is defiantly an occasion in itself. Especially in a new place.

I moved my attention from my own reflection to the reflection of the London skyline that was slipping through my window.

My best friend Noelle and myself have just moved to London city centre from Ireland. Much wouldn't think it would be such a change but it was indeed. London has this electrifying buzz
to it that is hard to beat.

As a celebration of moving to the city, Noelle decided we should go out to a nearby club. Not going to lie, the both of us are serious partiers.

"Avery, are you ready?", Noelle shouts from her own room.

I take one last look in the mirror, admiring the red material that clung to my body.

"Yes, I'm coming now!", I shouted back at her, making my way to the front door of our shared apartment, ready to leave.

A few quick seconds later Noelle came strolling up to me. Her striking ginger hair was also curled and her makeup simple yet still very 'club-ish'.

"You look amazing Ave, you hoping to get some huh?", She jokes, giving my arm a soft punch.

"Elle!" I exclaimed is surprise.

"I'm messing! Seriously though if you do find a guy the first thing you need to tell him is that your best friend is a certified ninja. If he fucks you over I'm going to whip his ass." She says, demonstrating her 'certified ninja moves', which consisted of her basically just flaring her arms and legs around the place.

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled at her before opening the door and making my way out, Noelle hot on my tracks.

The walk to the club was only about twenty minutes and I was glad as if it was any longer I know Noelle would have started complaining about the heels on her feet. We held hands walking down the street, Noelle said it was to keep away any perverts but I knew it was because she couldn't barley walk.

We soon reached our destination and joined the lengthy queue that had formed outside the venue. 

"I think we could be standing here for a while Elle." I said, groaning as the thought of having to just stand and wait really didn't appeal to me.

She didn't respond, but only smirked at me. She was up to something.

She quickly grabbed my wrist and started tugging me behind her through the line of people.

"Noelle, what are you doing?!" I shouted out hoping she would hear me.

"We are going to make friends with a few guys at the front of the line, that way we don't have to wait for donkeys years!" She shouted back with a devilish grin on her face.

Oh Noelle.

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