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hey people reading this

how are you?

did that ninja kill your enemy yet?

ok well enough questions, lets talk about this book eh?

Alrighty so first of all, I will never release my name, I guess thats a no brainer, but I really want to stay anonymous.

2) this is actually my second book I've written, I deleted the first one, personally I didn't like it.....sorry bae

3) my computer keeps typing be, bra, be a, bar, bare and other things instead of bae.... computer, take a trip to urban dictionary and learn you some 2k16 slang. 

( that awkward moment when you ask the most popular guy in school what a chode is, and he responds with the eggplant emoji) #aawwwwkkkward

4) okay ummm... oh yeah, i will try to update at least once a week, but I do have to keep up with school, summer reading, and that junk, so I'm sorry if I'm not perfect, if you're nice, you might get a double update.

5) please no hate towards me, if i write something you don't want a character to do, deal with it, 

6) #5 doesn't mean not to comment that the characters stupid, just be like June you're stupid, but don't be like I HATE YOU, I HOPE YOUR ENEMY STICKS A CINNAMON ROLE UP YOUR ASS! now what thats kinda funny, you can do that...

7) I'm tired of making this list. 

see you later bar... told you, B-A-E

8) just start reading the book...

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