The Wish.

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Alright little ones, so we left off with me saying-

"Hey." to a random person you're probably wondering whom it is, well you can't really guess, cause you're not far into my life, I guess you'll just have to wait! *Cue evil smirk*

You'll never be able to guess who it is.

*evil laughing, awkward chocking, regaining self-esteem*

*walk away into darkness smiling*

*tripping noise*



" Where is my F***ing purse?" I don't know Jen, probably gone, just like your decency.

"Don't say that word around me"  I say distastefully, learn some manners.

" Maybe its still at that house from last night?" Thats actually a good idea Harley

"Let's go then, cause I'm tired of looking for the  f-" she looked at me,"stupid thing" I smiled Thank You very much.


" I can't believe I lost it" I can, speaking of which were is my lavender top I let you borrow, I don't know three months ago, Jen ?

"Guys look!" Sky shouts suddenly excited

we look up,

" Its just a fountain, what's the big deal?" I ask utterly confused

They all look at me" what's the big deal!?" yes harley, thats what I asked, what. is. the. big. deal.

"June ,have you never heard the myth behind this?" no Jen, I haven't. Thats why Im confuzzled!

" no, i haven't!" I state, feeling a bit stupid cause everyone except me seems to know whats up with this fountain. "tell me!"

"aright young paddle wog, let me explain." Ok then Isabell " this fountain , the one right here has a myth. A myth that if you make a wish, any wish, it will come true. As long as you have two other people at the fountain." She looked around "which we do. So you make a wish with two other people here it comes true. I wished for a dog and I got Cinamin" um ok then.

"bull." like that would ever happen

"Believe it June, thats why I'm so popular" no Harley, you're so 'popular' because you're a- oh forget it.

" so you're all saying, that if I" I point to myself " June Anderson, wish for something" I stop to think " even the impossible, it will come true?"

"As long as you have two other people with you, yes." you're a liar sky, I love ya, but you're a liar.

Y'all watched to many Disney movies.

" You're lying to me. All of you." I can't trust my friends.

"Alright June, if you think nothing will ever happen, then why don't you go make a wish that would never happen, in your life" ok Harley, challenge accepted.

"Deal" I reach out and shake her hand.

" ew! did you spit in your hands?" lol. no.

"guess." you can almost hear the smirk in my voice.

The problems of clammy hands. But that was great.

Okay. Lets see.

Oh yeah.

Slowly I head to the fountain, coin in hand and thoughts in mind.

What was I going to wish?

What would never happen in my life?


soon enough the fountains in front of me.

I held the coin in my clammy hands thinking of a wish.

  any wish. I had to prove this wouldn't work.


  'I wish my life turned into a romantic novel' I thought and threw my pretty coin into the fountain behind me with a thump.


I smiled knowing that was never going to happen.... or so I thought .



I'm not even gunna edit, I'm just gunna give, alright, i hope you enjoyed. I'm gunna be asleeeeeppp.

also I'm sorry its been a late update, I've been taking care of my puppy, and I've been sick, then i found Docter who (every season. after I've been dying on the inside because Netflix took it off.) and i gt a computer virus from the website and ya.


Love ya. Goodnight.


comment, vote, whatever.

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