Dylan Brown

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Author's note
This book is not edited as well as this is my first time writing so please be patient and I am human I will make mistakes like and comment thank you

Dad! Dad! Please don't do this! I begged as I saw vengeance in his eyes set fixed on his next meal, me.

"Dad! Please don't do this " I said with urgency in my voice trying to think of a way to escape,but I knew that was impossible with his power,speed,strength I was a useless man.

This was not how I envisioned my death. "Please I am begging you, don't kill me". I pleaded.

"Ohh I'm not planning to kill you I am going to give you something more than life it self could offer" he said with a dark look in his eyes.
"B-b-b-but why I don't want to become a monster like you, look at what you did to mom you sick son of a.." next thing I knew I was up against the wall gasping for air as his hands and fingernails digged into my skin. His face inches away from my face with his lips curled above his fangs

" look here you ungrateful boy I did her a favor by ending her misery,she was going to die anyways if anything I saved her from suffering ".

" you don't have to do this please" I begged with the little breath I had left.

"but Ohh yes I have to you see when you taste the power I have given you,you won't be sorry trust me" then he exposed my neck and inched further by the second while I tried to struggle free but it was useless. He was too strong . Then I went immobilized as I felt his fangs sink into my skin and I let out a piercing scream as the pain was excruciating. I started to feel drained and then my face hit the floor . All I could do was wither in pain as I felt it spread through my body and intensified by the minute.

"You will see son you will see the venom is spreading inside of you but your pain will Soon be over ,I know it hurts but it will be worth it trust me . I will be back I am going to get you food ,by the time I arrive back the transformation will be completed".

I could not say anything as well as hear a word as the pain is so searing hot. It was as if a thousand bulls was running,trampling my poor body.

I screamed out " SOMEBODY HELP MEEEE". Then he left me there to suffer.
I screamed at him as he left "you will pay for this, trust me u will pay ahhhhhhhhh!".

I jolted awake as I remembered the night mere and there back as I sighed to myslef. I could feel the bed drenched in sweat below which my body lay.

My name is Dylan Brown. I am a vampire .I am 300 years old. I  was born in a small town called Banesville in 1978.

I hate that I have become this monster, it sickness me. It's true vampires do not age, we drink blood, we are powerful,strong,fast nothing can stop us. But there myths that aren't true we can go in the sun it's just that we can't stay in it for very long periods, garlic cannot kill us I don't know who came up with that bull,and we do sleep. The only way we die is by ripping off our heads n burn our bodies.

I got up and sighed with my hands in my head,running my fingers through my wet hair thinking when will these night mere ever end.
I got up and went to the bathroom stripping off my trunk and stepping into the shower. I turned the shower on full blast just standing on there allowing the water to cascade my body. I came  out of the bathroom wrapping the towel around my waist.

I walked into the bedroom looking at the bed side to view the clock showing 6:30 am.  I had work in a few hours. Harry was to pick me at eight thirty sharp. I am the CEO of a big corporate firm as well as a few small companies.

I went to the kitchen preparing the coffee machine to make my coffee. I then went to get dress.

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