Chapter 7

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"Eeeeep Sky can't you believe that we are living on our own now?" Sam squealed in excitement.

"Yes Sam for the past 4 hours. Now we have to unpack everything and buy groceries Sam so lets get to it"

"Nooooo! Why can't we do this tomorrow?"

"Stop whining it's better so we won't have to do it later and we can be lazy all week"

She sighed "Fine"

"Thank you now work"

Me and Sam went upstairs and discovered our flat. I took a room that was half green and blue. It had it's own bathroom. Thank goodness living with a brother that uses the bathroom after eating spicy food is not good. The room also had it's own closet and a big bed. There were two guestrooms and a bathroom in the hall and Sammys room was across the hall.


After hours and hours of boredom

"Finally Done. Sam are you done?!"I yelled

"Yeah I'm tired can we go grocery shopping tomorrow?"

"Yeah it's pretty late anyway. Who knows what kind of freak will be outside"

she giggled "Night Sky"

"Night Sam"

After that I went and logged into my computer and Skyped my mom.

"Hey sweety" she smiled

"Hey mommy. I'm here safe and sound. Anyway Sam is sleeping and we're going to go grocery shopping tomorrow and get to know the place"

"That's good to here sweety"

After about 20 more minutes we were about to goodbye.

"Sweety Luke is here to talk to you. Goodnight and be safe. Love you" she blew me a kiss.

"Goodnight mommy and I will. Uhhh Love you too mommy" I blew a kiss back.

See it's never really been easy to say I love you but I love my mom but it's a gushy feeling that's why it's always hard when I say it to Luke.

"No kiss for me. How hurtful." George said and put a hand over his chest

"Ha ha ha very funny why don't you go kiss Rosie George. Love ya. Now would you please let me talk to my boyfriend it feels like forever with your face on the screen" I smirked.

"Fine. I love you too sissy poo. Toodles" he waved. This boy seriously. Sometimes yeah whatever.

"Don't call me that"

"Hey babe" Luke smiled

"Hey Lukey. I miss you but yeah you know what I mean"

"Me too. Sky I have a surprise for you but you'll have to wait" he smirked

"Aw don't smirk at me. Now I wont be able to sleep"

"Don't worry the surprise will there very soon Sky"

"Mmmm Okay then. I got to go Luke it's pretty late see you tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you to Sky see you soon"

"What do you mean soon?"

"Uh I mean soon like on Skype. Chiz" he whispered the last part.

"Well ok bye see you soon? Love you" I blew a kiss to him

"Love you to Sky" he made a heart with his hands and kissed goodbye

I grabbed my ipod plugged in my earphones and went to sleep with the sound of music.


"Sky Sky wake up we got to go grocery shopping since there is no food and we need breakfast" Sam jumped on my bed.


"You and your sleep. You probably wouldn't be tired if you weren't all lovey dovey with Luke" She fluttered he eyelashes playfully. I threw a pillow at her

" Hey that was not necessary. Now get your bum up we need food"

"Fine and it was necessary you know I'm not that lovey dovey"

"Yes your are"

"Not a lot"

"Yes you just won't admit it because you are a whimp"

" Do you want food or not?"


"Then go get dressed"

She sprinted to her room to get dressed. You and your food Sam.


"Okay nutella check. Cheese check. Pickles gross. Candy check. Check Check check" I said going down the list.

"Alright I'll go down the register and pay" Sam said walking away

"I'll go get us sosome ice cream"

Ice cream ice cream where are you. Found you. Ugh it's higher than I am. I have a reasonable height but still it's like three shelves up.

"Do you need help there?" I turned around and saw a boy with brownish hair around my age.

"Yes please."

"Here you go"

"Thank you"

"Hey I saw you moving your head to the beat of this song do you play drums?"

"Not really I've always wanted to though shame on me"

He chuckled " I'm Josh and I'm a drummer. Maybe I can teach you how to play?"

" I'm Skylar and before I say yes one question are you a rapist?"

He laughed "Of course not"

"Then of course you shall teach"

"Great here's my number we should hang out soon"

"Thanks I should get going before my friend starts eating all the groceries" I waved goodbye.

"Sky" Sam wiggled her eyebrows "Saw you work your little magic"

"He's just a friend Sam we will see him soon"

" Mhm" she didn't sound convinced.

She probably was right. I felt that something else was bound to happen when me and Sam hang out with him. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

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