Picture Of The Day #33

33 2 10

Made: 6-15-16
Published: 6-15-16

~At School~

Me: *Taking an math exam*

Teacher: 10 more minutes.

Me: *Lets out a sigh of relief before whispering* I'm almost done. I can do this.


Teacher: 5 more minutes are left.

Me: *Starts to panic and starts to think* No! I won't finish in time! *Starts to look like the boy at the top picture*

~Another Timeskip~

*Bell rings*

Teacher: Times up. Anyone who didn't finish, please hand in your exam.

Me: *Hands it in to teacher before realizing that I am the only one who didn't finish* I totally failed. *Is depressed for the rest of the day*

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! Well, this is me everytime we have a test, quiz, or exam! Plus, being the only one to always not finish! It's sad. I would also love to hear if this is you during a quiz, test, or exam! Well, I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye!
~ DeathGirl27

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