¤Evidence Folder 5¤

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Kevin looks at the thing running towards him. Hr glares into its deep white eyes. He puffs his chest out. Before Selena can reach him, Sarah kicks the cage door open and drags Kevin in by his sleeve. Kevin locks the door and Selena's razor nails slide through the cage. Kevin pushes himself back onto the cage and grabs hold of the bars one by one, following Sarah. Sarah hits her head on something heavy. She looks up and sees the stars again. But when she was close up she saw a wired door. She tried to pish it but was too heavy for her. Kevin looked up at her and quickly tries to reach for the door. He steadies himself on the ladder and pushes it off its hinges. A noise crashes into their ears and Kevin looks down. Selena climbs up the ladder like her life depended on it, but it's Kevin's and Sarah's that do.

"Shut it! What are you waiting for?" Screams Sarah.

"Her head." Exclaims Kevin.

As Selena reaches the top, Kevin slams the door on the top of her head. Sarah goes on all fours to the ground and begins to tear up. Kevin tries to wrap his hands around her but she shakes her head and pushes him off. Sarah stands up and paces to the edge of the roof, back to Kevin.

"Shit how the fuck are we getting down from here!" Shouts Sarah.

" is that? It is. Its a car, hey hey, over hear!" Shouts Kevin.

The car passes by the house with no interest and Kevin swears. Sarah looks down the edge of the roof again and looks to kevin

"What if we just jump?" Suggests Sarah.

"One, we'll break our legs, and two, Selena will catch us if our legs are broken. So put two and two together. Oh yeah. Its not happening!" Says Kevin.

"OK, OK." Breathes Sarah.

The door rattles. Kevin back up towards Sarah and pits his arm in front of her. The door starts to jump up and down with Selena's hands banging on it. Her nails slide through the wires and she breaks the door. She pushes out the wires and slides her body through, leaving long strands of wounds piercing her neck, face, arm, and legs. When she's finally up, she speeds towards Kevin and Sarah. Kevin backs up in fear and Sarah falls over the edge. Kevin looks back and sees Sarah holding the edge with her two hands.

"Kevin I'm fine i found a place for my feet, run! I can hold on here!" Says Sarah.

Selena grabs hold if Kevin and throws him onto the cement roof. He groans and tries to pick himself up. Selena runs at him again and he dodges her grab. He grabs a pipe as she runs at him again and he clocks her upside the head. He runs towards Sarah, but Selena grabs hold of him again. This time she throws him onto a vent. Kevin struggles to get up as she walks towards him. His head starts to bleed. He can hardly move. Selena kneels beside him and grabs hold of his chin. Kevin pushes his hand up against her face to stop her but she moves his hand like it was a feather falling onto her. She smiles with her fangs and moves her head in closer to Kevin.

Sarah finally pulls herself up and sees Selena. Her lips pressed up against Kevin. When she pulls away, Kevin's head droops slightly and Sarah cracks her knuckles. Sarah picks up the pipe Kevin dropped. Selena looks back at her and smiles.

"He's mine now, bitch." Squeals selena.

"Not in a million years." Kevin grabs a rock and jams it into Selena's head and she flies off of him. Sarah gets tpwards her and starts to repeatedly pound her head in with the pipe. Then she stops.

"You never were a good sister. Haha. You were a pathetic excuse for a person" says Selena.

Sarah screams and continues hitting Selena's head. "No..... I'm..... not!" Shouts Sarah while she destroys Selena's head. She stops and breathes to catch her breath. "And you were the bad sister. Not me." Sarah drops the pipe.

Kevin crawls towards Sarah and rests his head on her leg. Sarah help him up and they walk to the edge.
They sit there holding hands, dangling their feet over the edge. Sarah rests her head on Kevin's shoulder, and kevin rests his on her head. They sit there looking around for somebody walking past. Kevin stares at his house across the street and wonders if his mother is home. She cant be home. Her car's still not there. As he breathes out, he turns to sarah and he falls.

Selena turns up behind them and pushed him. Kevin lands on his knees and falls flat onto the ground. Sarah turns and grabs Selena, as Selena tries to push her. They both fall and Sarah lands on Selena to break her fall. Selena lyes there flat like Kevin, but without breathing. Sarah crawls slowly towards Kevin and she flips him over. Kevin screams in pain.

"My, my legs, oh my god, fuck, i think they're broken! Fuck, shit, oh, oh my god." Yells Kevin.

"Its gonna be OK Kevin. Ill go for help." Says sarah.

"Howd you get down without breaking anything?" Asks Kevin.

"Sarah broke my fall. Wait here!" Sarah runs off.

"Like i have a choice!" Yells Kevin.

A couple minutes later someone walks by and sees Kevin laying on the ground. The man runs up to him and pulls out a phone. He sees Kevin's legs and calls for an ambulance. Then something comes out from behind him grabbing the man's once beating heart. Before the man could dial the last digit, he falls on the ground. Selena appears behind him and walks towards Kevin. She lyes down on him the sits up on his lap. He tries to hit her off, but the heavy mans body has one of his arms pinned down and the other is crushed by Selena. He cries. Selena drags her nails onto Kevin's shirt and rips it off. His skin, cold as the winter, gets stabbed by Selena's nails, repeatedly until she read something aloud. Written on his chest was, ' El Diablo biene con no so trios.' He lyes there pinned down.

Kevin's chest bleeds and soon his whole chest is red. Selena plays around with his wounds making him scream. She laughs. She digs her nail deep into his shoulder and a loud noise fills the air. A gunshot. The bullet hits Selena's left eye and she falls off of Kevin. Kevin covers his eyes, because a car light shines on him.

"Who's there?"

The Posessed - Book 1 Of The Posessed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now