¤Evidence Folder 4¤

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Kevin grabs Sarah's hand and they sprint down the hall. Then the hall got bigger and was now coated with black paint. Their feet come to a stop and they look around. The floor was covered by the same paint. The walls and floor were hard like cement and rigid like a popcorn ceiling. If there were no torches on the wall, they would not know where to go. Sarah hears the scream again and runs after it leaving Kevin behind.

"Sarah! Wait for me!" Shouts Kevin.

"I can hear it getting louder! Hurry i think i see the..........Aaaaaah!" She screams.

"Sarah!" Yells Kevin.

Sarah falls into a hole that was dug under the thin floor. She tries to pull herself up but she's too weak. Sarah panics and starts to scream while moving her head back and forth looking for a better hold. Kevin makes it to the hole and grabs Sarah's arms. He leans back and pulls her up. They both fall back and Sarah lands on his chest. Then she looks at him.

The boy who she's liked since middle school. She doesn't see this moment happening anytime soon. So she goes for it. Her lips touch his. Ever so slightly she turns her head and Kevin places his hands on her arms. Sarah pulls her head back and looks into those different colored eyes. She laughs. He smiles.

"Um, thanks for, y-you kn-now." Stutters Sarah.

"Yeah. No sweat. So, why'd you do that?" Asks Kevin.

"Why not. I mean it seemed like a good enough time, to me anyway." Says Sarah.

"Me too." Kevin smiles. "Now can you please get up, your knees are digging into my ribs."

Sarah pulls her hair over her shoulders and sands up off of Kevin. He stands beside her to catch her staring at a wooden door. He notices keys in the keyhole and turns it. His thumb catches a splinter and he swears. Sarah laughs to herself and touches the door. Words are carved into it. She looks closer into the words and they read, 'The ones tainted .' Sarah backs away from the door fast and looks at Kevin with a worried face.

Kevin goes for the door and it opens. He looks inside and he sees darkness surrounding a lamp brightening up one little spot in the back of the room. He hears weeping and goes in closer. He looks around and trips over something. Sarah rushes in and pulls him up.

"Oh my god." Whispers Sarah.

"Sarah, Sarah, shh . Its not her OK. Its not Selena see." He points at the body he tripped over.

Kevin holds her head on his chest. He rests his chin on her head and observes the body more. It was rigid, lumpy, and big. It was the woman. He pulls Sarah away and looks at her. She's still crying. He kisses her forehead to calm her down and that's when a face pops up behind him and Sarah screams. Kevin turns around and hears it talk.

"Sarah, Kevin, help me I'm stuck." Whispers Selena.

"Its Selena." Says Kevin.

"Oh really? I thought it was totally someone else even though she said her name." Says Sarah.

"Even in dire situations, you're still a smart ass." Insults Selena.

"Come on Sarah help me get her out. She's on a chain." Exclaims Kevin.

Sarah looks for the chain in the dark and glances at the woman's body. Sarah crawls to her body and checks in the woman's pockets for her keys. When she looks inside her right, back pocket, she sees the keys. Along with them was a dagger. She grabs both things and stuffs the dagger into her right, front pocket. She calls out to Kevin and throws him the keys. Kevin jams them into the keyhole at tries to turn it.

"Theses aren't the keys. Wait! Throw me the one from the door." Says Kevin,

"I'm pretty sure those wont work, but OK." Responds Sarah. She throws them and Kevin jams those in and they don't turn. "Told you."

The Posessed - Book 1 Of The Posessed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now