Chapter 1

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**Never. Never would I admit to doing the things I did. Never would I imagine myself here...How did this come to be? Was it me? Or was it him?**

It all started my senior year of high school. I was on the National Honors Society and was in the top 10 of my class, even though it was a small catholic school....This is where my story begins...

"Victoria, hurry up! You'll be late for school!" My mother yelled from down stairs.

I could tell she was in the kitchen for the smell of burnt bacon filled my nostrils. I rolled over onto my back, stretching. With a heavy yawn, I reached over to grab my IPhone 6 from the bed side table. I pressed the home button, but nothing showed on the screen. Confused, I pressed, and held, the On/Off button and it showed me the symbol of needing to be charged. "Shit," I say under my breath. I must of forgotten to charge it before I went to bed. As my phone charged, I started going through in my head what I needed to do today.

The sun was shining and birds were singing, indicating that is was spring time. I checked the time: 6:50. "Damn it!" I said to myself. School started at 8 and it takes me 20 minutes to get there. I grabbed my uniform and jogged to the bathroom to take a quick shower. "Thank God for private school," I said to myself, as I hopped into the luke warm water. Ten minutes later, my uniform was on, hair and teeth brushed, school bag packed, and make up applied.


I walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen, all this running around and rushing made me hungry. My mother greeted me with a warm smile and her hair and makeup perfectly placed and done. "Good morning darling. Here, eat quick! You need to pick up Simon this morning."

"Noooooo!" I moaned. " Do I have to? Can't Miss Chris find someone else to take her son?"

Simon. Ugh...he was the talk of the school. Drugs. Sex. Alcohol. Repeat. Everyone in the school knew he was up to no good. He was constantly getting into trouble with the law and didn't care about anyone nor anything but himself. He disgusted me and he was the exact thing I did not want to become. What a low life. Miss Chris is my mom's best friend. They have been best friends since childhood and we help them out a lot, well try to when it comes to Simon. I know Miss Chris like she is my second mother...but Simon..forget about it. I do not know much about him but I know enough to stay away from him as much as possible. Miss Chris has had it rough, she is working two jobs to keep her small apartment and to be able to pay for Simon's private school. Simon's dad is out of the picture, as far as I know of, and Simon is just a messed up kid who likes to hurt himself and others around him.

"Hellloooo? Victoriaaaaa?" My mom says to me, bringing me out of my daze. "Sorry mom, what did you say?"

"I said that Miss Chris can't drive Simon to school so she needs us to. I cant because I have a meeting at 7:50 and I need to be there in order for me to have any chance of getting that promotion."

I roll my eyes as I pour myself coffee. With a defeated sigh, "Fine..," I said. "Thank youuu. Love youuuu." Mom said to me with her million dollar smile. I love my mother, but with that smile, she can always get what she wants. I look at the clock again: 7:15. Simon lives 15 minutes away. "I better leave now then!" I say as I pour my coffee into a to go cup and head out the door.

I get into my Jeep Wrangler and head towards Simon's place. He lives on the bad side of town where there is gang related violence almost everyday. I am always cautious about driving into his "hood."



I ring their apartment number, 133, and wait inside my car. Even though it was April, the morning dew still made it chilly. While waiting in my warm Jeep, I noticed bullet holes on the side of the building. "Great, I am going to die trying to pick this prick up." I say under my breath. Suddenly the door opens and a large figure enters the car. Startled, I set my eyes on an almost unrecognizable face. Simon. Even though we went to the same school, I haven't seem him in years. I mean I saw him around, but I never REALLY saw him. I think that the last time I saw him this close was when we were 12. Damn.

His hazel eyes are still heavy with sleep and his dark brown hair covers his face. "Wanna picture? It'll last longer." He chuckles to himself. Shit, he caught me staring. "Well hello to you too," is all I am able to say. I look over to the clock: 7:40. Crap. I have never been late to school in my entire life, I just hope I don't start today.

The drive is quiet and all that is heard is the radio playing some song I have never heard of before. Simon pulls out a cigarette and lights it. "Uh no. Not in my car. Put it out now." I say sternly. I was already on edge for possibly being late for school, now he is smoking in my car? Hell no. "What? What's the big deal?" He asks me. His brows are furrowed and a frown is set on his lips. His pink and plum...Stop it Victoria! What are you thinking?! "Dude." Simon says in annoyance. "I don't like them and you will not smoke it in my car. Put it out now please. I won't ask again." I say. "Alright, fuck, I will." He says as he throws it out the window. I looked at the time again: 7:47. I bit my bottom lip as I pulled right into traffic. "Great." I huffed as I stare at the numerous cars infront of me. I will be mother will kill me. Simon saw the worry and distress on my face. "Hey, I know a short cut. A back road."

"Really now?" I say with suspicion. "Yes," he said, " just turn left onto Porters Point right up there. I can direct you to school from there." He points up at the the sign saying 'Porter's Point Rd.' Without any other option, I agreed and made my way to Porter's Point Rd. I turned left onto it and it was a cute little neighborhood. "Okay, now keep going straight." He said to me. "Is this some type of trick to make me late to school or will I actually get to school on time?"

"God damn, you and school eh?" He mocked me in annoyance. "Well will it?" I press. "No, it will not make you late for your precious school and learning time. Got it princess?"

"Shut up," is the best comeback I can say to him. He chuckles and redirects me to school. The rest of the way is silent as we drive into the school parking lot.


I park the car and he immediately gets out of the car and slams the door shut. I flinch at the power of his swing and I look up at him. He has grown at least a foot since I last saw him. He must be 6'3. His black hoodie covered his upper torso and head, but I could see his muscles almost right through them. Wow. STOP Victoria!! I shake the thoughts from my head and grab my bag. I head into school, just on time, remembering that he never said thank you....what a dick.

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