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Me:Holy shit, I'm dying.

Ally:A, you've been saying the same thing since you woke up.

Me:It's true.

Ally:Then why aren't you dead yet?

Me:It's killing me slowly.

I was on my period. It's just been Ally and I in the house all day. I was laying in the middle of the floor in sweats and Jason's sweatshirt with fuzzy socks while my hair was in a high messy bun. I kept my arms over my stomach and my head was on the floor.

Ally:Angel get on the couch.

Me:I can't fucking move.

I heard Jason and Dunkin come in through the front door talking.

Dunkin:Girls were ho- what the hell are you doing?

I simply grumbled squeezing my arms around my stomach, Jason chuckled. I lifted my middle finger without looking at him.

Dunkin:What is wrong with her?

Ally:She's on her period.

Jason:Angel you need to be in bed if they're this bad.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom as pain shot through my stomach. As soon as I got in the bathroom I lifted the toilet seat and threw up.

Ally:Angel, you alright?

She yelled from the living room, in response I threw up more. I heard her footsteps come closer to the room she bent down and rubbed my back

Ally:Want some tea?

I nodded and sat back against the wall. Soon after she left and I pulled myself together, I brushed my teeth then slowly made my way back to the living room. Jason was sitting on the couch watching tv waiting with a blanket and the tea Ally made me.

Jason:Come lay down princess.

I trudged over to the couch and layed down with my head on Jason's lap. He played with lose strands of my hair and watched Tv then heard a light moan from the kitchen. I looked up at Jason we both began to laugh.

In seconds Ally was running to the stairs and Dunkin wasn't far behind her.

Me:You might wanna turn up the Tv.

He laughed and turned the Tv up so we didn't have to hear Ally screaming. I wonder if this is what they do when Jason and I fuck.


As I played with Angel's hair she started to fall asleep. I leaned down and kissed her head.

Me:I love you.

Angel:I love you too.

She mumbled before she drifted asleep.


Angel was now on my lap sleeping, her head in the crook of my neck and her hands balled up and in my sweatshirt pockets. She had woken up to reposition herself so the cramps wouldn't hurt as bad only for me to finally talk her into taking something for the pain. Ally walked downstairs.

Ally:She's still sleeping?

Me:Yeah, lucky her. She was spared.

Ally:You loved it.

Me:I want to cut my ears off.

Ally laughed and walked into the kitchen. Angel groaned curling into a ball, the cramps probably came back.

At that moment she curled herself into a tighter ball trying to push the pain away, I picked her up and walked upstairs to our room. She held tightly onto my shirt as a couple of tears fell from her eyes. I laid her on the bed and then started undressing myself.

I put on some shorts and got on the bed with Angel. As soon as she felt my body she moved closer.

Me:Baby that's not ganna help you.

I leaned down mumblig in her ear her eyes slowly opened.

Me:Come here.

I put one arm around her and the other was on her stomach.

Me:Where does it hurt?

She moved my hand just above her abdomen. I lifted her sweatshirt so my hand was on her bare skin.

Angel stuffed her face into his chest when I started massaging that spot. She let out a moan and her body relaxed into me. Soon enough she was asleep again wrapped around me.



I woke up in the middle of the night with Jason's hand in my pants. I laughed a little then pulled it out and got up walking to the bathroom, I went and changed my lady business and walked back into the bedroom and laid down next to Jason.

He instictively wrapped his arm around me,   I moved closer to him. I pulled my pants off and the moment I knew he was awake was when his hand moved to my ass. I giggled into his chest.

Me:Is that your favorite body part?

Jason gave a sleepy half smirk with his eyes closed and gave my ass a hard smack.

Jason:Can you really blame me?

I laughed and rolled over running my finger across his gorgeous six pack.

Me:I can't wait for this week to end.

Jason:I like it.

Me:Because your hand was in my pants.

Jason:I liked the fact that you were always cuddled up to me.

I sat silently continuing with what I was doing.

Jason:Angel what are you gonna do about Sadie?

Me:The same thing I've been doing since I was 13, don't think of her again.

Jason:You can't stay mad at her forever. Trust me i've tried with Alex. Angel, you're gonna have to talk to Sadie.

Me:I know, I'm just gonna take my time.

Jason:That doesn't mean to wait another 6 years to see her again.

Me:Yes Father.

I replied sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes at me.

Jason:Go to sleep, you'll probably feel a little better tomorrow.

Me:I love you.

Jason:I love you too.

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