10. Fourth year begins

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Chapter Ten

Seamus and I have just entered our fourth year at Hogwarts. Seamus held my hand smiling at me as we entered the Great hall for breakfast, before our morning classes.

Last night at the start of the year feast, Professor Dumbledore told us about a tournament that was being held this year at our school, The Triwizard tournament. We were joined this year by students from other Magic Schools who would also be entering and competing in the tournament.

At the breakfast table, I couldn't help let my eyes wander over to the Slytherin table, in the usual spot Draco sat. Draco was already looking my way, glaring at Seamus and I. I looked away from his glaring eyes and ate my breakfast in silence.

"What is the matter?" Seamus asked me, his voice full of concern.

"It's nothing, just dreading potions with Slytherin first up," I told Seamus and kissed him on the cheek.

After dating Seamus for nearly 6 months now, somehow it still did not feel right to kiss him, to me he would always just be my best friend. I just could not bear to break his heart though, but I know the longer I took to break it off with him, the more it will just hurt him.

"Let's go to class," I said, getting up off our seat.

"It's still early, I will meet you there," Seamus said, turning to talk to Dean about his holidays.

"Fine" I mumbled and left the hall by myself.

I walked down the empty corridors to my first class. I was nearly an hour early, but I just wanted to get out of the crowded hall.

As I walked down to the dungeons I could hear footsteps approaching me from behind, I spun around smiling expecting it to be Seamus. My face fell when I saw it was Draco, who was closing in behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Going to class, what else?" He replied sarcastically.

"Class doesn't start for an hour," I reminded him.

"Where are you going, if the class doesn't start for an hour?" Draco questioned me.

I did not answer him, I turned and continued to walk towards our classroom. Draco walked silently beside me, and I kept glancing at his smirking self beside me. He had come to annoy me, and it was working.

I waited outside Professor Snape's classroom, leaning against the wall. I looked straight ahead of me at the opposite wall, ignoring the blonde who leaned against the wall next to me.

"So you're still with that half-blood?" Draco asked me. It sounded more like a statement, rather than a question though.

"Yep" I replied simply.

"Why? I can tell you don't like him," Draco said, stepping in front of me, blocking my marvelous view of the wall.

"Really? And how can you tell that?" I questioned, watching him closely as he leaned in closer to me.

"I can tell by the way you look at me," Draco whispered seductively in my ear. I inhaled deeply at how close Draco was to me.

"What? Like a disgusting little git?" I pushed his chest with my hand, causing him to stumble back. But Draco only smirked and came straight back close to me.

"Don't" my voice was filled with worry, if he tried something, I didn't know if I would be strong enough to resist him. I felt Draco hand grab my waist as he stepped in closer pressing his body up against my own.

"We are all alone," he pointed out.

"I have a boyfriend," I tried to wiggle out of Draco's arms, but my body did not want me to move, so I didn't try hard enough.

Draco brushed his lips against my neck, not kissing, only teasing. I closed my eyes and gripped his shoulders with my hands. Half of me wanted to push him away, the other half wanting to pull him closer. Seamus was slipping from my mind, as my thoughts were consumed of nothing but Draco. I really wanted to know what his lips would feel like against my own. I needed to know.

"Kiss me, Draco," I begged softly. His lips gently brushed up my neck, up to my jaw, and just before reaching my lips, he pulled them away.

I opened my eyes as I felt Draco's body pull away from me. He had a very satisfied expression on his face. Like he had me right where he wanted me.

"See, I knew you wanted me" He shook his head in a fake disapproving manner while folding his arms across his chest. He leaned up against the opposite wall looking very pleased with himself.

I was breathing heavily with frustration and embarrassment, Draco had tricked me. He did not want me, he only wanted me to admit that I wanted him. He wanted to embarrass me and ruin my relationship with Seamus, for his own amusement.

I was so over his games, I turned and ran off from Draco before he could see me cry. My heart was aching as I ran, not knowing where I was going. After 10 minutes of randomly running to nowhere, I finally stopped as I felt I was going to have a heart attack from all that running. I probably should have walked away, but that wouldn't have been dramatic enough. I looked around to figure out where I ended up.

To my left was the door that led into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I wiped the tears from my face and went inside. I went and sat up against the wall next to the sinks and buried my head into my knees.

The class was about to start and I was still in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I could hear Myrtle sobbing in one of the toilet cubicles, she had not noticed I was there yet.

I really did not care that I was going to miss my first class for the year. I just could not face Draco or Seamus right now. Draco was probably telling Seamus right now that I had told him I wanted to kiss him.

"What is the matter with you?" Myrtle's voice came as she floated up into the air in front of me. She had finally noticed my presence.

"Nothing" I lied.

"You are supposed to be in class, are you not?" She asked looking at the random tears that would slide down my cheek.

"No, I got a free class right now" I lied once again.

Moaning Myrtle turned away from me and started crying, "So you have come here to tease me and make me cry?" She sobbed and went off into her cubicle wailing loudly. I rolled my eyes, she was so dramatic.

I knew I did not want to stay here and listen to Myrtle all morning, so I got up off the floor and left the bathroom. I went up to the Gryffindor's common room. It was empty because everyone was in class. I sat on the lounge not knowing what to do; I knew I would have to face Draco and Seamus sooner or later. I knew even if Draco did not tell Seamus about what I had said, I would have to break up with him anyway. I could not stay with Seamus when I now knew for sure that I had a crush on Draco Malfoy, no matter how much of a jerk he was.

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