Chapter 16

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Two weeks have gone by, full of doctors appointments. And I'm not sure what they're doing to Marina, but I feel like every little thing I do annoys her, and she has been very moody with me. I'm going to stay at Lana's house for a couple days to give Marina a break from me, she obviously needs it.. I love her to death but she can be a bitch. It is also Marina's birthday in a few days and we need to do something for her. I say goodbye to Marina without kissing or hugging her, which feels very odd. I get in my car and drive away. I pull into Lana's drive way, but before I get out of my car I text marina, 'I love you' and that's it. I feel guilty not telling her that or showing her my love before I left. I grab my bag from the back seat and get out of the car. I walk up the few steps to Lana's front door. I ring the doorbell about five times just to annoy her. I wait about thirty seconds and the door opens.. "Shaye!" Lana says excited and gives me a tight hug. "Lans!!" I say and hug her back. She pulls me over to the couch and we sit down. "Tell me everything!!!" She says excited. "About what?" I ask. "You know you're honey moon! Silly!" She says. "Okay... Well you know, we did it... And...." I say then continue telling her everything that happened into detail. "Oooooh!" She says smiling at me and nudges me in the shoulder. "So what's up between you and Marina then?" She asks. "It's a long story.." I say. "We'll we have a lot of time!" Lana says. "Okay... So Marina and I decided we are going to have a baby together... And we have been going to the doctors a lot, and Marina is going to be the one to have the baby.. So she is really stressed, and angry for some reason... Everything I do seems to annoy her..." I say and look down. "Aawwwwe! Oh my god!! So exciting!! I'm sure she is just nervous and doesn't know what to think... So when does it officially happen?" Lana finishes. "Next Monday....." I say. "Oh wow!" She says with a huge smile on her face. "Are you excited?" She asks. "Yes! Of course!!!" I say smiling at her. We watch movies the rest of the night and I fall asleep laying on Lana's lap. I wake up next to Lana in her bed, it's not where I fell asleep. Lana is staring into my eyes. "What?" I say. "Good morning!" She says and smiles. "Morning!" I say. Lana is fully dressed and she pulls me out of bed and forces me to get ready. Then she takes me to a restaurant. We order breakfast and eat our food. We walk out the door and are surrounded by paparazzi "shit!" I whisper in Lana's ear. "I know!" She says. Once we push our way through the paparazzi we see a whole bunch of fans. And you know we can't resist meeting them. We go over and talk to them and sign things. They are so cute. We get back in Lana's car and leave. We hit a few shops and head to another restaurant to eat dinner. We sit down and order our food. "So..... what are you going to do for Marina's birthday?" Lana asks me. "Good question!" I answer with. "Lets plan something! It's in like two days!" She says. "Will you come with me to buy her stuff?" I ask Lana. "Of course!" She answers. "And I think we should just take her somewhere... And then I will take care of the rest at night....." I say. "Take her where?" Lana asks. "Uhhh? Oh! There is a pride festival going on on her birthday! Do you think she would like that?" "Yes! I would too!!" Lana says. "Okay! Lets do that!" I finish. We eat out food and leave the restaurant. Lana takes me in more stores and I finally find something I want to give Marina... It needs to be custom made but they can have it done by tomorrow when I pick it up. I'm now very excited, but I miss my baby a lot. I want to hold her in my arms. I stop and think for a moment.. "Lana?" "yes?" she asks. "I want to get a tattoo.." "of what?" "Something about Marina.. to show her that my love for her is permanent.." "where are we gonna get you tattooed?" she asks me. "i know a place.." I say. "Where? Ill take you there.." She says. We get in Lana's car and head towards the place. We get out and walk in. "Hello! How can I helps you?" A very pretty tattooed girl asks us. "I need to get a tattoo for my wife's birthday.." I say. "Alright! Do you have an idea?" "Yes!" I say. "Here is a sketch book.. Try drawing it as well as you can.." She says handing it to me and smiling. I sit down and begin sketching my ideas. I want Marina's name, the date we met, the date we got married and a couple other things that remind me of her. Like a heart and a bow. I finish and hand her my sketch of ideas. She takes it and makes another sketch of what she will use. She shows me, it looks perfect just what I imagined. She takes me over to a chair and I lay down on my back. I'm getting it on the front of my right hip pretty much on my pantie line. I pull my pants and underwear down a little and she begins tattooing me. It's painful but it's worth it. She finishes and walks me to the mirror to look at it. I stare at it for a while. "Lana!" I yell for Lana to come see it. She walks in and comes to my side. She looks at it and smiles as big as ever. "Its perfect!!" She says. "I know! She is going to love it!!" I say. "Thank you so much!!" I say to the girl who just tattooed me. I hug her and pay her then leave. We go back to Lana's house. I admire my tattoo a lot. We sit around, then Lana brings out a couple drinks. "Oh yea!" I say and take a drink from Lana. We drink and drink. And pretty soon we are both wasted. We turn on music and start dancing dirty together... And that's all I can remember.. I wake up with a huge head ache. I look around, I'm on Lana's couch and she is laying on top of me. What time is it? I think to myself then I look around form my phone. I see it on the coffee table and try to reach for it. It's to far so I slowly push Lana off of me and she wakes up. "Oh god! What happened!" She says looking really hungover. "We got wasted and that's all I remember.." I say. I look at my phone and it says I have eight messages. I unlock it and look at them. Two from my manager asking how much time I'm going to need off, two from my mom asking how I'm doing, one from my grandma asking the same as my mother, a few from unknown sources, and one from Marina... 'I miss you ;'(' I read from Marina's message. Oh my god.. She misses me. I think. It was sent last night.. I realize what I was getting my phone for in the first place, seeing what time it was. It twelve-thirty and I go pick up Marina's present at one-thirty. "Lans lets go get ready.." I say and she gets up. We get ready and head out. We get to the shop and wait a moment. They bring out the present I had made for my boo. It's beautiful, flawless, and amazing. I love it, and I know Marina will too. I take Lana back to her house. "See you tomorrow morning!" I say to her as I pull out of her drive way. Tomorrow is Marina's birthday.. I didn't tell her I was coming home yet so it's a surprise. I pull in the drive way and park inside the garage. I walk to the door quietly and open the door as slow as I can. I hold roses behind my back as I tip-toe into the house. I don't see Marina at all so far. I go upstairs to our bed room, no Marina. Where is she? Then I go downstairs to the basement into the theater room. Still no Marina. I go in the home gym, mini bar, and then the recording studio that is in my house. And that's where I find my love.. She is singing a song I've never heard, it's beautiful. Her eyes are closed and she is really into the song. I quietly go in and it at the recording deck. I watch her sing and her heavenly voice fills my head. I know the song is about us. I absolutely love it. I can tell she is coming to an end. Her voice quits and she slowly slips of the headphones from her ears. I stand up to present her with the roses. She turns back around and opens her eyes to see me standing there. She looks very surprised to see me. She drops everything and runs out. She hugs me tightly and I hand her the roses. "They're beautiful!" She says and sets them down on the controls. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me hard. I missed her kisses. I was only gone for two nights, but it was like I was gone longer because we hardly talked before. All she needed was a little time to think. I kiss her back and we begin making out. I love her so much. We kiss almost all night and I finally fall asleep in Marina's arms, where I belong. I wake her up in the morning singing happy birthday. She opens her eyes and silences me with a kiss. "Morning.." she says and smiles. "Happy birthday!!" I say and kiss her again. "Lana and I are taking you somewhere!" I say. "Where?" She asks. "A pride festival, if you want?" "Yes! I want to go!! That sounds amazing!" She says excited. "Well go get dressed!" I say and smack her ass. She goes in the closet. I wait a while, then go into the bathroom and begin doing my makeup and hair. I feel someone grab my ass and I turn around to see Marina dressed very sexy. "You look amazing!!" I say staring at her boobs. "Stop staring at my boobs!" She yells at me. "I can't!" I yell back. She looks perfect as she applies her makeup and curls her hair. "Lets go hottie!" I say. "Alright!!" She says and we leave the house. We pick up Lana and she gets in the back seat. we drive a ways away. I park away from park where the festival is and we get out and walk. All I see from a far is a whole lot of rainbow! I hold Marina's hand as we walk down the street. And we get close. I man runs up to us and says, "oh my god! Shaye! Lana! And Marina!" he yells and another guy runs up behind him and wraps his arms around him. They are covered in rainbows. "Hey!" I say. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks surprised. "We came to party for Marina's birthday.. We thought 'who knows how to party better than the gays?'" I say and we all begin laughing. "I know right??" The other guy says. We walk around watching everyone, they all freak out over us. It's such a great time. Marina jumps on my back and I carry her. We join everyone as they celebrate being proud of who they are. There's honestly nothing better than this moment. We dance and dance and party all day long. We finally get everyone to sing happy birthday to Marina and its amazing. And somehow I got into singing for the crowd. It began getting dark and everyone cuddled up with their lovers to watch fire works go off. And they begin. The sky is exploding with the colors of the rainbow. I turn to Marina and we begin kissing as we lay in the grass. Everything is perfect. I couldn't ask for better. Later on we take Lana back home and head home our selves. We get home and I take Marina out to the back yard. I touch her and she leans in a kissing me slowly and softly. I slip her shirt off and continue with her pants. Leaving her completely naked. She takes my clothes off as well. It's a nice, warm, clear night. I begin trailing my soft kisses down her neck to her chest and back up. I want to kiss every inch of her body. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. She holds on to me tightly as I walk to the large hammock that hangs from two large trees. I lay her in it and whisper in her ear.. "Let me go get some blankets.. I will be right back.." I whisper and leave her for a moment. I go back inside the house. I run upstairs to our bedroom and grab a couple blankets. I also grab Marina's birthday present. I run down the stairs and back outside. "Close your eyes babe.." I say to Marina. She closes her eyes and I hold out her present. It's a diamond heart-shaped necklace with our names carved in the back of it. It's real gold with a real diamond. I hold it in my hand ready to present it to her. "Open your eyes..." I say. She opens her eyes and they go wide. "Wow! Shaye! How do you do it?" She asks. "I could do anything for you!" I say. I put the necklace on her. "Wow... One more perfect thing from you.." She says. "I have another surprise.." I say. I've been covering my new tattoo with a couple large bandages since I got home. I'm surprised she hasn't asked what they are for, or maybe she hasn't noticed. I look down and slowly peel them away from my tattoo. I cover most of it with my hand. "I got this to show you that my love for you is permanent..." I say and uncover it.

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