Chapter 15

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I hear the sound of our alarm going off. I listen to it, not getting up or moving, laying on Marina's chest just as I fell asleep. Then I feel Marina move and she sits up quickly pushing me onto her lap now. She searches around the bed for her phone and finally finds it turning the alarm off. "Shaye! Wake up!" She says in her raspy morning voice. "I'm awake!" I say looking up at her. "Morning!" She says and smiles at me. "Morning!" I say back. I sit up and give marina a kiss. We get ready to go to the doctors. "Ready?" I ask her. "I guess.." She says unsure. "It won't be that bad this time, she will pretty much just tell us what is going on, what the process will be, and all that. And probably just a checkup!" I say then hug her. "Lets go!" I say and we leave the house. It's an about a half-hour drive to this special doctor. "Are you scared?" I ask Marina as I keep my eyes on the road ahead of me. "I don't know, it's all just happening!" She says. "Wait? Do you really want to do this?" I ask her. "Yes." she says very sure of what she is saying. "Just think for a moment.." I tell her. She watches out the window for the rest of the ride. She was getting kind of sassy with me, I think she is just nervous and doesn't know what to think. I do it too. We get out of the car and I walk over and stand by Marina. "Are you okay?" I ask her before we walk in. "Yea, sorry if I'm a bitch. I don't mean it..." She says sweetly. "You're not a bitch. And it's okay! I love you beauty queen!" I say to her and give her a soft kiss. "I love you!" She says. I wrap my arm around her waste and walk her into the building. We go up to the front desk and tell the nurse our names. This is a very large hospital. She tells us what floor it's on and we head to the elevator. I push the 'up' arrow and the doors open. I push the button with the number 4 on it and the doors close and we go up. The elevator dings and the doors open. We walk out and check in at the front desk for the doctor we will be seeing. Every one treats us like we're normal, although we are not. We sit in the waiting room. Marina lays her head on my shoulder and watches me on my phone. We have not yet told anyone our plans. And we don't plan on telling anyone until we are sure. I turn my phone off and wrap my arms around Marina, I kiss the top of her head. Her hair smells so good, her scent is perfect just like the rest of her. I hug her tight once again and the nurse comes out and calls our names. She takes us in a separate room. "Hi I'm Jen!" She says introducing herself and shaking hands with both of us. "I'm the nurse and the doctor will be in shortly.." She finishes. She hands us a form to fill out while we wait. She leaves the room and shuts the door. We start filling in the many blanks on the papers. We put both of our names and pretty much everything else personal about us. I finish and the doctor walks in. "Hello! I'm Dr. Nesson!" She says greeting us both. "So I'm going to tell you how you can have a baby together, one of you will be pregnant. So your going to have to choose.." She says. "She is!" I say pointing to Marina. She giggles and writes something on her forms. She asks us many more questions and writes our answers down. She tells us everything we will need to know and more. A lot of it I didn't get so I was spaced out most of the time. Marina seemed to be interested so she will know. "Okay I'm going to need DNA from both of you to start with, I'm going to need to draw some blood.." The doctor says. She pulls out a needle and sticks it in Marina's arm. I can't stand to look. And next thing I knew the needle was taking blood out of me. I honestly hate needles, and I'm afraid there will be many of them in both Marina and I for the next while. She leaves for a moment. "That wasn't to bad, was it?" Marina asks me as I sit there staring into blank space. "Huh? oh! yea! It was!" I say lost. She laughs at me and the doctor comes back in. She tells us she will be able to do the process and the things that are needed. She gives Marina another shot. "Alright! I will see you two in a week! We will start you then!" She says as we leave. We get out to the car and get in. "I'm taking you to lunch!" I say to Marina. "Alright! Where to?" She asks. "A restaurant!" I answer. "Alright?" She says. We get there and I take her inside the restaurant. We sit down at a table. "So are you ready for this?" I ask her. "Yes.. I'm ready!" She answers. I smile at her. The waitress comes and takes our orders. We get our food and start eating. "So would you rather have a boy or a girl? But not like it's a choice.." She asks me. "Probably a girl.. And you?" I say. "A girl.." She says and smiles at me. I smile back. We finish and leave the restaurant. "I don't feel like going home yet.." I say driving out of the parking lot. "What do you want to do?" She asks me. "I don't know? Uhhh... What do you want to do?" I ask her. "Lets just ride!" She says and puts her hands up feeling the air while we drive with the top down. I reach over and turn the stereo on and play 'Ride' by Lana Del Rey. We sing along as we drive. We ride for a long time and pretty soon I don't know where I'm going. I pull off the high way and pull into an empty parking lot at a liquor store. We get out and go in. "What do you want?" I ask Marina. "Alcohol!" She answers. "Well yea what kind?" I ask. "All!" She says. We grab a few drinks and buy them. I put them in the back seats of the convertible, then I push Marina against front of the car. It's getting dark and you can't see much. She lays on the hood of the car and I stand between her legs. I lean down and kiss her hard. She wraps her arms and legs around me. I start making out with her roughly. I move down and kiss her neck roughly. She grasps my leather jacket in her hands pulling me closer. I move back to her lips and make out with her roughly then slowly get softer and softer and I stop. "Lets go baby!" I say and I lift her up and get in the car with her on my lap. We begin kissing again and I can't stop. She's like a drug to me. We finally stop for a moment and I lay her down on the front seats of the car. I lay on top of her and begin kissing her as I was before. I kiss her softly and stop. "Lets go home baby.." I whisper in her ear then kiss her cheek and sit up. She sits up and we leave. I try to find my way back home in the dark. It's a lot longer drive than I thought. We finally get home and I pull in the garage and close the door. We go inside the house. Marina goes into the kitchen and pulls out two wine glasses. She gets some vodka from the fridge and pours it in both glasses. I walk I the kitchen, "Here!" She says and gives me a big smile. We take a sip of our drinks at the same time. "Cheers?" She asks. "Cheers!" I say and laugh. Then we drink the rest. She pours two more glasses, we drink it and repeat until we are completely wasted. Marina sits up on the bar, I face her standing between her legs. I look into her starry eyes, And she looks into mine. We know what each other are thinking. She grabs my face and kisses me hard. I pull her jacket off and set it on the counter next to us and do the same with my own jacket. I climb onto the bar along with Marina and lay on top of her. She quickly switches me positions and continues kissing me roughly. She kisses down my neck and slips my shirt off. She kisses my breasts roughly, and undoes my bra. Leaving my chest fully exposed. She moves her lips back up to my neck and grabs my boobs. I slip her top off and she kisses my lips again. We make out for a long time then we fell asleep. I wake up the next morning in my bed laying next Marina. I reach up and touch my head and it begins pounding. 'Hangover..' I think to myself. I don't remember much of last night other than it was amazing. I decide to leave Marina in bed and go down stairs to make her breakfast. I slip on some rainbow colored panties and an oversized white t-shirt. I walk down the stairs quietly. I go into the kitchen and I get out the ingredients to make waffles. I turn on the coffee maker, and make the waffle batter. I get out the waffle cooker and pour some batter on it. I get two mugs out and two plates. I pour coffee into the mugs, I make Marina's just as she likes it. And of course I put extra creamer and sweetener in mine. I put waffles on each plate, I pours syrup over both then put whip cream and strawberries on them. I set the last strawberries on top of the whip cream, then I hear the very familiar laugh of Marina's. I look over to see Marina standing there in nothing but her underwear and bra. Only in front of me does she do this. I smile at her and giggle, "what?" I ask. "Don't you remember?" She says. "Remember what?" "We made love right there on the counter." She says laughing still. "Oh! Now I remember!" I say and start laughing along with her. We take our plates and coffee into the dining room. We sit down across from each other. "Thanks babe!" Marina says with her mouth full. "You're welcome!" I say shoving food in my mouth, teasing her. We laugh and talk then she asks me something. "What would you name your kids?" she asks me. "Ummmmm... a boy would be Nathaniel and a girl... Uhh, Electra or Rebel!" I answer. "Electra as in my album Electra Heart?" She asks smiling. "Yea I guess.. And I really love the name!" I say. "Me too, obviously!" She says. "I love those names! I would do the same!" She finishes. I can tell that she is very excited for this, very excited to have a baby.. I am too....

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