Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"Notre Père qui es aux cieux," I whispered, clutching my hands tightly together and squeezing my eyes shut, "que ton nom soit sanctifié; que ton règne vienne; que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel."
"Shut up," Craig groaned behind me.
I swallowed not trying to anger him further. We only had small bars that kept the five of us apart and I knew if these witches even had the slightest chance of killing me, they would. I didn't blame them. I was the reason they were here.
"Oh let her pray," Garia snapped at him, though it wasn't for my benefit. She hated even the sound of Craig's voice so she would pick a fight with him any chance she got.
"I'm sick of it," he snapped back, "she's the reason we're in here!"
I sighed sitting back on my foldout bed, given up on my nightly prayer. I wasn't that religious before I was kidnapped from Paris. But the more time I spent in this hell, the more I prayed to God for help. I didn't know if it would help, but it was all I had.
"We know she had no choice," Frazer reminded him. Frazer was actually sicking up for me. He understood that the magic that I made now wasn't mine and it was being controlled by the monster I was forced to make.
"Gee you're a heartless bastard," Garia snapped again.
"What do you expect from me? I have a family, a coven. Do you honestly think a few sorrys would make me feel better?"
"I never said sorry to you," I muttered under my breath not caring if he did hear me.
It was true. I had tried to say it but he had shut me down before I could get a word out. But there wasn't a lot I could do. If he didn't want to accept that I have no control of what I do anymore then what could I do? Nothing, that's what.
I had pitched the idea that the four of us broke free somehow. Even with the chains that made our magic non-existent, we could have broken the locks of our cells and made a run for it. But none of them, not even Frazer believed that I was on their side. They all thought it was my idea to bond our magic with me as the controller and strengthen my own power. But they didn't know that I couldn't control any of it.
Not making any sound, I climbed onto my makeshift bed, trying to get comfortable. Small tears dripped from my eyes as I dreamt of my old bed back home.
I had my own room, an ensuite a big king size bed. My best friend Mabel's room was next to mine. Nothing had been wrong.
But now, I was here. In a cold cell. Chains on my wrist. The only three people I could talk to hated my guts. And I was in Scotland. An ocean away from my own home.
I vow, I'll do everything in my power to get home again, I promised myself, absolutely anything.
When I closed my eyes, that's when the nightmares started. The nightmares of my ancestors, telling me that I was abusing my magic. That I was using it for evil and not for good. That I wasn't fulfilling my density, what I was born to do. But they never told me what that was exactly.
And once my ancestors left me alone, he entered my head. He channelled my power, my magic, my strength. I was the anchor of his power. He was nothing without me. He was the dark characters in my dreams, attacking me, beating me, stealing my magic and turning it into something evil. Each time he did it, he ripped a tiny bit of my soul apart. And there was no way of stopping it. None at all.

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