Hijab of My Voice (MUN - Event at School)

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When I was in my last year of O-Levels, towards the end of the year it was time for the most awaited event Model United Nations (MUN). In MUN the participants represent a country they are assigned, and they debate over a certain issue and laws are passed. Just like the meetings of United Nations.

A lot of hype was created and being a world history student and a good speaker, I also wanted to take part in it. I talked to my dad that I'm gonna participate in MUN held at my school. He asked me whether the gathering will be mix I said yes. So he told me that you're also supposed to do Hijab of your voice until it's necessary. Well, I knew that, but taking part in MUN was more than anything for me. So I decided to ask from the scholars whether there is any way I can take part in it.

Through a friend I asked and got a clear answer that it is not permissible in Islam to let Non-Mehrams hear you until its very necessary.

Why are women expected to take care of their voice?

Allah Almighty has created this natural attraction and charm in the voice of a female that it plays a vital role in provoking and inducing the sexual appetite, desire and passion of a man.

This is a reality which can not be denied. Even the psychologists are in agreement with this fact. Many Psychologists have stressed that the voice of an individual plays a great role in arousing sexual desires.

This is the reason why Allah Most High commanded the wives of the blessed Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) especially, and all Muslim women in general, to abstain from conversing with non-Mahram men unnecessarily and when its necessary, avoid speaking in a soft and sweat tone.

"Be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire"
(Sura Al-Azzab Ayat #32)

Also, it is narrated that during the prayer if Imam does some mistake, then the commandments on how to aware the Imam of his mistake is different for both men and women. Men can use their voice but women are expected to only clap with their right hand tapping their left hand.

The Prophet (SAW) said, "The saying 'Sub Han Allah' is for men and clapping is for women." (If something happens in the prayer, the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying "Sub Han Allah". And women, by clapping their hands).
Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol #2, Book #22, Hadith #295.

Well I do accept some of you might have reservations with the above explanation, but I think if the Sahabiat took care of their voice and never talked to non-Mahrams unnecessarily out of modesty, why should I let go of my modesty and be frank with the guys?

So I talked to my school friend who was arranging this event and expressed how eagerly I wanted to take part in it. She suggested me that we can make a committee of only girls and there will be no boy in it. I was really glad, we went to the teacher who was the patron of society and put forward our idea and she gave permission without any reluctance. Now it was on us to gather girls who are willing to be part of the all-girls committee.

This proved to be a bit difficult, we could only convince a few girls to be part of it while the rest didn't agree to it. So our committee could not become a possibility with such a little strength.

This quote was posted on the soft board in our classroom

This quote was posted on the soft board in our classroom

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This gave me real strength.

But on the day of the event when the participants were all dressed up in formal clothes and the whole event was going on, I couldn't control and cried my heart out once I came back home. But I was so sure that I will get huge rewards for this in Jannah inshaa Allah. I talked to my Allah a lot that day, trying to calm my ownself that my purpose of life is to please my Allah only. So what if I couldn't get to speak in MUN? So what if I couldn't get the best speaker award that I always wished for. My Allah will give me huge things in return, wouldn't you Allah? And that I want everything in Jannah. My Allah kept listening and I kept crying and talking to him..


Next update soon inshaaAllah

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