I hate you, Lucy

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Lucy's POV

I sat on the shore of the Black Lake the water getting in my shoes, but I didn’t care. More tears slid down my rosy red cheeks. Why did Harry hate me so? I ask myself. I try to be the best little sister, but nothing I do is right! I start sobbing now, wanting to curl in a ball and just disappear. “Lucy?” a hesitant voice asks. I just ignore them hoping they'll go away. “Lucy, we both know what Harry said was wrong but-“I cut her off and stand up, getting to her level, “Oh no Hermione what Harry said was completely right! 'Lucy go away! ' You mess everything up! ' 'Leave me alone! ' 'I hate you! '. I had stopped sobbing and now just had silent tears sliding down my ice cold cheeks. When I looked up Hermione had too started crying, and the tears traveled down her smooth pale cheeks leaving little tracks for the others to follow. “Listen,” she choked out, “Lucy, he didn’t mean it! You have to know that!” I stared at her, after all we had been through together, we were partially sisters, and she was picking his side like she always would do. “I could see the truth, the hatred, in his eyes. He meant every single word that came out of his mouth like he always does,” I told her looking her dead in the eye. “He's-He's just under a lot of pressure with people not believing him and such,” she wailed. “You really don't know do you? I have tried and tried again to show him how I love him, and care! Now he has made his choice and I have made mine. Now I will give up it will be like I was never here,” I whispered the last part to myself.”Hermione had gotten control of herself and just stared at me. “I'm so sorry Lucy” she said and just walked away. Harry Potter hope you have a good life without me. I think to myself walking back to the Black Lake and standing there with my feet in the water.

Hermione's POV

Something was terribly wrong. Lucy was acting very weird. I walked through the frostbitten grounds to the castle. I walk through the halls ignoring all the portraits and people. I get to the portrait of the fat lady right as Seamus is walking out. He tries to say something to me but I make a quick dash into the common room. I saw Harry and Ron talking on the couch and ran over to them. “Hey Mione-“Ron started but I cut him off. “Stop there Ronald, Harry,” I said in a deathly whisper. Somehow they heard me and glanced at each other with worried looks and looked back at me. “Y-yes?” Harry stuttered out. “I cannot believe you! Lucy is heartbroken!”  i yelled, my voice rising with every word. Harry looked less worried when I brought up the topic. “What do I care she's always in the way so I just got her out of the way,. She won't be bothering us again,” he smirked. I looked at him in shock. “She needs her brother Harry! She looks up to you!” I yell again, tears now prickling my eyes. “I have enough on my plate, I don’t need her to add to that also!” he yelled back starting to get out the chair. I walk up to him and poke him in the chest with every word I say. “Not everything is about you!” I scream at him the tears now going down my face. “I know that,” he yelled at me, “I know that!” he plopped down in the chair and just sat there. I sighed, “Fine if your too thick to see it and you can't see she needs help then I'll save her,” I said walking to the portrait. “Save her from what?” Ron called out. “Herself,” I whispered then closed the portrait walking down the halls.

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