One Day

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"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Lucy Annabelle Potter. She was loved by so many, and though death claimed her so soon, she still lives on in us. She will be remembered and missed dearly." The preacher man spoke with a caring tone for he knew this child. They had met brefily but that was enough for him. "If anyone else would like to say something this would be the time," he spoke loudly for everyone to hear. A boy with platumine blone hair stood up and moved slowly to the stage, all eyes were on him. Draco Malfoy stood before everyone with slient tears running down his face. "Lucy was the most amazing girl in the world," he spoke trying not to cry, "She was like the sun, she could brighten anyones day. She was beautiful, artistic, talented, and best of all she was mine. she could see the best in people, even when they themselfd couldn't see it. She brought out the best in me. I just wish she was here today so we could spend the rest of eternity together." He was now crying, but had to stay strong for Lucy. "Thank you," he spoke again. The rest of the cerominy went in a haze to Draco. When it came time to bury her he quickly put her favorite teddy bear in with her. "He keeps me safe at night, from the monsters," he remembered she told him once. When the cascate was in the ground three wizards took out their wands and put the dirt over it. Draco had picked up some dirt and tossed it over the rest. I stared at the spot, thinking, remembering, of our limmited time together. "Draco," my mothers vioce came from behind me, "Time to go." she said. "One moment mother." i told her still not turning around. "Quickly," she said then I heard her foots stepd start but fade away quickly. I looked at the grave the holds and forever hold my love. "Sleep tight my love," I whispered putting a single white rose on the freshly turned ground. I stared for another moment or two then turned and walked away. I shall see you again one day My love, Lucy.


Ok so this is the end. Sad I know but this is it. I you wanna see the vids I based this on here are the links:  there you have it :) hope you enjoyed it!

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