OH MY GOOOD! He touched me!!! It was and awkward hug but HEY! He gave me a hug and it felt heartwarming. I can tell he was nervous cuz he was shaking. Also he said that this was awkward. Awwweee! And the awesome thing was that I finally had the BALLS to go and let him hug me! He was nervous. I was nervous. My friends were nervous because of me too! I mean I'm in 8th grade, I should knows not to be scared or nervous. ...
!!!Oh MY GOOOOD! He's right behind me. What should I do what should I not do? I now what to do! I am just going to wave....*i wave*... waiting for response...*he waves back*
He waved back! He waved back! HE WAVED BACK!!!!! OMGGGGGGG! I'm so happyyyyy! I caaant stooop tyyypiing liiike thhiiisss. It looookss liiikeee mmmmyyyy pppphhhhooooonnne hhhasss aaaasssthhhhmmma! No not really! Mannn! I hhhooooppe I sssseee hhhhiiimmm ttooooommmmmorrrroooow! I am GOING to SAY hi to him.It is 4:58 p.m.And I am still thinking about him. Ok fine. I'll tell you his name! It Jairo. No I still didn't get to process the full name. But that means I might have to find out. Omg! I have a problem!!!😥. I am moving right after school finishes. I might not have time to say goodbye to him. I have to ask for his snapchat before I leave. Then as I advance through my life I'll be asking for his Gram(instagram) if he got the Bird(twitter) and if he got Books in the Face(facebook). Im so abstract! I have names for everything!!! Like for musical.ly I call it Krazed Musicals! Kool! So then, does he like me? What kind of question is that?! Even Magnolia said that he's liked me since Day 1. I don't get what that means but I'm fine with that! Did you know that besides him, two other boys like me! One's in 5th grade and the other's in 8th! But you know who As I'd rather hang out with? Jairo. Yes. He looks sweet. He looks smart. I guess you can say he's been following me for awhile! Aaannd! Plus I figured out why he likes me, too! He probably likes me because...1)I'm pretty
2)I'm active
3)I'm abstract
4)I look chill
5)I look funny
6)I look smart(to him)But there are somethings that I like about him. Like...
1)He looks smart
2)He looks chill
3)He looks funny
4)He looks adorable!
Well upto next time guys! Love you, too!Goodbye mis amigos!
What I Am Thinking Right Now
Short StoryThis story is like a diary or a book of thoughts. Whatever you may call it. But I will be writing for fourteen days forward. Well what are you doing? Start reading!!!