June 14, 2016

22 1 0

Another day and I'm still nervous about talking to him. Why? Why should I be nervous to talk to him? I mean, I'm in 8th grade and he's in 7th! I am going to talk to him! Anyways fuuuck the GRADS PRAC(graduation practice)! So yeah! It's 3:51 p.m.!I'm falling asleep! Good beforenight!

Hey guys! I just woke up at 6:04! Have you felt like you were anesthetized but realized that you just woke up? Well that's me right now! I feel like taking another nap. Yes I am THAT tired. And guess what. I am tired but I went to sleep at 7:3- some thing last night! So it wasn't really night yet. Isn't it weird when you sleep in the living room and you have no idea that the guests were here? Well it's extra weird when the guests' KIDS are here waiting for you to wake up but you wake up anf they are about to leave. Bit it's that you couldn't help but sleep. It feels sooooo goood! Anyways! Well guys, I'm waaaay too tired to say anything else. So.............

              Love you! Bye!😘

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