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The snow glistened in the sunlight as I sped down the road. I didn't have to worry about anyone peeking through the windows at my sparkling skin because the windows of the Altima were already tinted black.

I didn't know much about the Denali clan, only that Tanya used to have a thing for my Edward. Sorry, Edward. It was strange that even after all this time, I still considered him mine. And yet he wanted nothing to do with me.

I was somewhere in the right area, so I got out of the car and took a look around. The snow looked even more tranquil and radiant now that I wasn't speeding along. I tilted my head to the side as I caught the whiff of a vampire. I guess I was hiking from here. I grabbed my bags from the trunk and started my way along the trail.

I ran seemingly on top of the snow, barely leaving a visible footprint. The scent was getting stronger and I could now distinguish that there were three different scents intertwined with the original one I smelled earlier. I hid behind some trees when I came to a valley and saw four figures in the middle. They were having a snowball fight, complete with forts and a huge stockpile of snowballs. I could tell the snowballs were being thrown at insanely high speeds that no human could ever throw, or even follow for that matter. I looked closer and saw that I recognized two of them.

I was about to come out of hiding and walk towards the vampires when all of a sudden I heard Alice exclaim, "She's here, she's here!" Before I knew it the little pixie was standing in front of me, giving me a huge hug. "Oh Bella, I've missed you so much! And you're more beautiful than I even imagined."

Jasper was next to follow behind Alice. He was a little more cautious than she was. "Bella. I'm extremely sorry for what I did to you. What I tried to do to you."

"Jasper, it's okay, I know you didn't mean it. I never blamed you for any of it." In that instant I knew what I was saying was true. I had already forgiven all of the Cullen's for leaving me. Well at least most of them. "Who's here?"

Catching the true meaning of my question, Alice answered me first. "It's just me and Jasper. We had planned on going to South America with Edward but I had a vision that you would turn up here, so we stayed. I started to tell Edward but had said to all of us before we left that we weren't allowed to meddle in your business. That you were to move on without us. He didn't even want me to look in on you. But I couldn't resist Bella. And when I got the vision that you were changed, it was too late, I wasn't looking for you at that moment, let alone for Laurent. So I figured I'd do the next best thing and that was wait for you here. I started to block my mind from Edward by translating the Holy Bible into Scandinavian. I didn't even want anyone else to slip up and accidently know about you, so they don't know. Only Jasper knows." I know she didn't need to, but it was just weird to hear someone speak without breathing. "I swear my brother can be so stubborn sometimes."

"Yeah, I only wish he could have listened to his own advice." Alice and Jasper looked at me with confused looks. "He concocted some cockamamie story and scholarship and put money into my account." I couldn't genuinely be too angry with him for that because I did use the money for my car. But dangit, I needed a new car, and it's the principal that matters.

"Bella, how are you so in control?" Jasper asked me. I remembered everyone telling me that as a newborn, I'd be blood thirsty, but to be honest the one mountain lion that I fed on has so far sustained me. Until now, I hadn't even thought of the thirst. And I wasn't even a day old yet.

"I don't know. I was wondering that too. The only thing that I could think of is that this was something that I've wanted since I met your family. Maybe coming into this with knowing what to expect, allowed me to be in better control?"

Jasper replayed my answer in his head, and accepted it without any more questions. Alice and Jasper started walking towards the house where I noticed the other two vampires had run off to moments before. "Alice, umm, Irina, is she going to be mad at me because of Laurent? It wasn't my fault there were these huge wolves that came out of nowhere."

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