First Day

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Life didn't seem fair as I was driving towards my new school. Madison High School looked a lot like Forks High School, surprisingly. They were so identical that I thought Madison High could be the high school that some movie production company could use to film in if they wanted to film a story about Forks. Haha, why would anyone want to see a movie about what goes on in Forks, Washington. Who would want to see it?

I walked up the steps of the school and was immediately assaulted with the kids whispering about the new girl, me. If only they knew that I could hear what they were saying about me. Most of the guys that saw me, were commenting to one another of how hot I was, while most of the girls were jealous of how gorgeous I was. I couldn't help but think of Edward and how he was able to withstand the whispers and hearing their thoughts. It seemed downright impossible for me.

I found the administrative office, and waited in line behind two other students. I was glad I went out for a late night snack last night because this was the first time I had been in close quarters with humans. The thirst wasn't bad, though the students did smell good though. Nothing I couldn't handle though. As soon as it was my turn with the receptionist, I noticed that she caught her breath as she saw me. She quickly regained herself and asked me how she could help me.

"Hi, umm I'm Bella Anthony. I'm a new student." She took a moment to look up my name in her little computer, and when she found my file, she handed me my schedule and my map of the school.

"Here you go, Isabella, now if you need anything, just make your way back here."

"It's Bella, actually," I whispered, but she flashed me a smile as if she didn't care, and looked past me to help the boy standing behind me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I turned around. I couldn't believe Alice sent me here of all places.

I took a look at my schedule and it was similar to my schedule in Forks. First period I had AP English Lit with Ms. Greene, followed by American History with Mr. Burke. Third period was AP Trig which was being taught by Mrs. Reed. I saw I was going to dread fourth period which was my gym, but fifth period was lunch. My last two classes were Fashion and AP Chemistry, both were taught by Miss Kendrick and Mr. Welch respectively. I laughed to myself when I saw the Fashion class, I just knew that was Alice's doing. At least I knew for sure that she'd be in that class with me when she finally came. Maybe that meant Jasper would be with me in my American History class?

I followed the map to the classroom where my English Lit was being held, and walked in just before the bell rang. Ms. Greene looked me over, and welcomed me into the classroom. "Ahhh, you must be Isabella Anthony. Here is your text book for this class, and a copy of Pride and Prejudice. We've already started the first five chapters, so you'll have to catch up. After class I'll give you the worksheets for those chapters, and what I expect from everyone in this class. You may take a seat anywhere."

"Umm , it's just Bella." I could tell this was going to be the day that I was going to be correcting everyone on my name. I grabbed the open seat in the back and sorted though the books that were just handed to me. I had read Pride and Prejudice before so I pretty much knew I'd be okay. I'd probably read it again as a refresher course since the last time I read it, I was human. The only thing that I was happy for was that Ms. Greene didn't make me stand in front of the class and state my name, age, and rank. I hated talking about myself, it just brought unwanted attention.

Sitting through the first hour of class was torture. I kept hearing people whispering about me, it made me so uncomfortable. I kept hearing them talk about what they knew about me, or at least what they thought they knew. According to them, I was living in my own place because I had a pimp that was paying my way for everything, including my clothes. That was the one I heard the most, and it made me laugh. If only they knew my "pimp" was a shopaholic pixie-vegetarian vampire. Speaking of Alice I remembered her telling me to fidget while I was sitting in class. It helped me look more human, along with the contacts that were in my eyes, I knew I'd be okay.

The bell finally rang, and I gathered my books and put them in the messenger bag that Alice bought me. I started to walk out the door when this girl with dark brown hair touched my arm. I was thankful that I was wearing long sleeves so that she couldn't feel how cold I was. "Hi, I'm Danielle. Danielle Steal. Yeah I know, my mom thought it was a good idea to name me after one of her favorite authors, though the last name is spelled different. Everyone just calls me Dani."

I gave her a smile and hoped that it wasn't frightening. "I'm Bella."

"I hear you're from Seattle. Is that right?"

"Yeah, I moved here because it was a slight difference from where my parents live. I was emancipated a year ago and I decided I wanted a change from Seattle even though it's pretty big." I said, remembering what Alice told me my cover story was.

"Really? Your senior year though? What about your friends? Don't you miss them?" She was starting to get on my nerves with all of her questions.

"Yeah, there are a few people that I miss, but I can keep up with them with email. We were all planning on going to separate colleges anyway; I just started the split earlier than them. I just really wanted a change of pace and scenery from Seattle, you know?"

"Oh that's cool." Dani walked with me a bit before she asked me what class I had next, and when I told her, she got excited and said she had class with me again. In my head I rolled my eyes, great. Somehow it felt like she was Portland's version of Jessica.

We walked to History, while Dani talked incessantly about nothing. She told me about the ins and outs of Madison, and the different cliques that were major in the school. She even pointed out some of key popular kids and who was with who. I pretended like everything she was telling me was interesting, and either my acting skills improved since becoming a vampire, or she just liked hearing herself speak, Dani didn't notice my impatience with her.

We finally got to the right classroom, and Dani introduced me to some of her friends. There were three in total that she brought to my attention. I could tell the one boy of the group, Nicholas Isaac, was already enamored with me. He had sandy blond hair that fell just above his shoulders. The other two girls of the group were twins, Lisa and Liza Birmingham. Though they were sitting down, I could tell Liza was taller than Lisa, and Lisa's dark hair was slightly lighter than Liza's. I won't have any problem telling them apart, but I doubt their teachers could say the same. Other than those differences, the similarities were overwhelming, and I had a feeling I only noticed because I was a vampire.

The twins were a lot more interesting than Dani was, and Nicholas hung onto every word I spoke. I could tell this was irritating Dani, but as far as I was concerned, she could have him. There was only one man, well vampire for me, but he didn't want me, so I let him go a long time ago. It didn't really even hurt as much thinking about him anymore. I found out they were all in my lunch period, and they invited me to sit with them, but I declined. I told them that I wanted to run home for lunch real quick, but I'd be back for the last two periods. I rolled my eyes at Dani when I saw how relieved she looked that I wasn't joining them, I had a feeling I'd be doing that a lot around her. Yeah she was definitely Jessica Stanley.

I ended up just sitting in my car listening to music while the rest of my classmates ate their lunch. My fashion class was going to be torture for me since it was Fashion/drawing/ and part economics. Alice was going to get it. I thought of ways I'd get her back and settled on burning her entire closet down. Stupid future telling vampire sent me a text at that moment: "Why would you do that Bella? I thought we were friends?" I could just imagine her in front of me saying that and I immediately forgave her. We were more than friends, I knew we were sisters. The rest of the day was uneventful and I snuck back out to my car before any of my new friends could stop me. I peeled out of the parking lot, with a bit too much show and headed home.

A/N: So far in the story, I've included a few "Easter Eggs" clues from the book/movie into my story. See if you can guess what they are and why I choose them.

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