The Messengers

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"Well first things first, Hilary, Alice, and Jordan will all need to make arrangements to be absent for that Friday from school. Only myself and Jasper will need to clear the whole weekend?"

"Carlisle, do you think we'll need the whole weekend?" Jasper asked. I found myself laughing internally at him, why on earth would Jasper care if he missed a few hours? It's not like he was hurting for money. Feeling my amusement, Jasper hit my arm. I pretended that it hurt and Edward growled at him. Wow, I seriously needed to talk to Edward about that.

"Yes. Only because we don't necessarily know what the nature of this visit will entail. Which brings me to the next point, do we bring Elizabeth and Anthony with us?" Carlisle looked around the room for everyone to voice their opinion.

"No." Edward went first.

I bounced Anthony on my knee as Carlisle took votes from everyone; Esme had Elizabeth. Everyone got their say, and they were all saying no. I wished I could agree with them.

"Yes." I said. Everybody gasped at my answer. Rosalie looked as if she was going to jump over the couch to get to me.

"Wait let her explain." Carlisle raised his hands and lowered them in an attempt to calm everyone down.

"We don't know if Aro found out about the twins somehow. And even if he didn't he'll know the second he touches one of you. I won't be able to shield everyone because he'll think we're hiding something, or in this case someone. I can't take the risk. I won't."

"I happen to agree with Bella." I gave Carlisle a smile of gratitude. "There is no one here that could protect the twins if we didn't bring them. Worst case scenario, is what if while perusing our thoughts Aro sees that there are a set of twins that are being protected. While all of us are in Italy, Aro will very easily be able to dispatch the guard while we're detained. Who knows what will happen then."

"I see your point." Edward agreed.

"Well what if me and Hilary stay here with them?" Jordan optioned out.

"Still the same scenario, they will very easily dispose of two vampires to get to a prize. And besides, Demetri may have gotten a sense of your brains when we were back in Forks. He probably knows that you are with us now."

"No! They should stay here with Elizabeth and Anthony! Bella's shield was around everyone when the Volturi came, Demetri couldn't have grabbed the tenor of their brains." Rosalie was screaming loudly.

"You would take that chance?" Edward asked.

"No, Carlisle is right. Besides, we've encountered Demetri before. He already knows how to track us. He knew before we met you in Forks." Hilary countered.

"Bella I can't believe you would put your own babies in harm's way!"

Rosalie now leaped over the couch and lunged for me, despite the fact that I was holding Anthony. I curled Anthony up against me and turned my back so that my body would take the impact, but it never came. As I closed my eyes to brace myself, I glimpsed a blue blur that was emitted and seconds later I heard a crash. I looked up to see Rosalie on the opposite side of the room, and a huge hole in the wall where her body landed.

A stunned Rosalie stood up among the debris. I looked around and none of my family was close enough to have the ability to fling her from me. They were however, looking at Elizabeth. "What just happened?"

"Umm, I think Elizabeth saved you." Esme said as Emmett started laughing obnoxiously loud.

"Leave it to Bella to be the only vampire saved by a kid." I remembered the days of when I was human and I imagined the blood filling my entire face.

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