Chapter 6: Despair Hotel

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-Yuta P. O. V.-

We all ran out of the auditorium, me leading the crowd. I followed the map and ran through a hallway to where the map labeled it as "Despair Hotel". We went through a gate at the start of the hallway and another at the end that opened into the hotel. I saw a red hallway that matched up with the map and ran over to it. The first room on the right had a picture of my face. I had to be sure. I pulled the key out of my pocket and stuck it in the keyhole. The door opened with ease.

"I knew it." I said, looking into the room to see what resembled a bedroom. The group peered over my shoulder then ran to the other rooms, trying their keys as well.

I inspected my room, now alone. There wasn't much. There was a trashcan, a bed against the wall, a notepad on a dresser next to it, a table, and another door. I opened the door to find a bathroom. It was very clean, spotless even, like the Warriors of Hope had made sure we'd be given extreme hospitality.

I thought to look in the dresser. There was something at the bottom, but there was a pouch on top of it. I picked it up. It was empty, so I just put it in my pocket.

The thing underneath it was a toolkit. It might be useful to someone who was good with tools, but not to me. There was also a note lying on top of it, so I decided to read it.

To whatever stupid demon male this room belongs to, this is your toolkit. All males receive a toolkit and all females receive a sewing kit. The sewing kit comes with a map of the body's vital organs. One good stab should do the job for you, girls! For the males, we believe that a good strong blow to the head with any of the tools should do the job for you. While we have you, let's go over a few more things. These room keys are very hard to make and recreate, so don't go losing them or trying to break them. Also, regarding your showers, you cannot use them during nighttime, because the water shuts off. And only the females' showers have locks. Enjoy your stay at Hope's Peak Elementary!

I closed the drawer and crumbled the note up. I walked over and threw it into the trashcan, but I noticed something at the bottom. I pulled it out and looked it over.

It was a coin. On one side was the face of a bear with a line down the middle of its face and the back had a picture of Monaca's face. It seemed important, so I put it in my pouch for safe keeping.

That was everything in the room, so I decided to leave.

When I went into the hall, I saw Komaru coming down the hallway. "Hey, Komaru!" I called to her.

She hurried over to me. "Hi Yuta! What was your room like?"

"Nothing much. A notepad, a toolkit, and I found this pouch and a I stuck a coin I found in the trash into it. Was there anything like that in your room?"

"Well, I also had a notepad, and a pouch, and I also found a coin, but I didn't have a toolkit. I had a sewing kit."

I remembered the note. "Oh yeah, only the guys get toolkits and the girls get sewing kits. Did you get a note that explained that?"

Komaru nodded. "Yeah, I found a note that said stuff about toolkits and sewing kits and the showers and the room keys."

I nodded. "So we all got the same note, I guess. Speaking of which, where is everyone?"

"Oh! Well, you went in your room first, so you didn't hear. Kenshiro said that we should all gather in the dining hall after we finish to sort of gather our thoughts."

"Oh cool. Before that, I want to make sure I know where all of our rooms are."

"I see. I can show you." She smiled. It was good to see that someone else was staying chipper in all this. "It's easy! Our pictures are right on our doors!" She gestured her hand at each nameplate on each door as they passed each one. I scanned each of them and got them more or less memorized.

There were two sides, the outer wall of the hall, and the inner wall. The outer wall was also split into two parts: one facing the inner wall rooms, and another line of rooms adjacent to the outer wall. The inner wall had five rooms, the outer wall facing it had six rooms, and the adjacent wall had four.

My room was the first on the outer wall, if you go down the hall from the side closest to dining hall. After that was Komaru's room, then Kanon's, then Takemichi, then Ayaka, and finally Kenshiro. Then there was the inner wall. Right across from my room was Taichi's room. Next to that was Takaaki's room, then Hiroko, after that was Fuhito, and then lastly Aloysius. Then was the adjacent wall. Closest to Kenshiro's room was Cheri's, then Kameko, then a spare one, and the last room was Fujiko's room. I was a bit confused about why there was a spare room, and why Kameko and Cheri each had a room, but this wasn't the time to question that.

 I was a bit confused about why there was a spare room, and why Kameko and Cheri each had a room, but this wasn't the time to question that

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(Here's a map I edited to help you guys understand.)

"And this concludes Komaru's tour of the Despair Hotel's luxury suites! Shall we go enjoy some fine dining in the five star restaurant?" She spoke in a joking manner, mocking first the voice of a peppy tour guide girl, then a fancy posh person.

I decided to play along. "Why yes, of course. Let us make our way to the dining area, m'lady." We then latched arms and walked to the dining hall, laughing and smiling like idiots.

I'm hoping she didn't notice, but I was absolutely sure that my cheeks were pink.

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