Chapter 2: Almost Perfect

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Despite Jacobs lack of faith for his current relationship he held on to it strongly. knowing that if he lost her he would be more miserable than he was already and that his relationship with Kayla was the best thing that could've happened to him during his time spent in college.

Whilst walking Kayla home after school one day Jacob suddenly felt weak in his legs, many dreadful memories about his past arose to the surface of his mind. They felt like demons were rampaging in his brain trying to find a way out by eating through his skull. His girlfriend watched startled as Jacob held his head firmly as he ran away from her, she shouted his name several times but he didn't respond. Kayla was frozen at her feet by what happened just now and stood in the same spot for twenty minutes before she continued her way to home. Jacob didn't say a word when he got home neither did he answered his phone with was which was constantly vibrating on his bed because of Kayla trying to reach out to him. Jacob decided to heal the pain which he's suffering from mentally by physical pain, he took a knife and started cutting his chest. As the bright red blood flow down his tights to his feet as he stood in the shower in disbelief to what he has done to himself he started crying. Three days past and he had not went to school, he also avoided Kayla as much as possible as he thought that seeing or interacting with her would just cause him greater pain.

A week had past and the pain continued, Jacob had no choice to go to school as he's assignments were due so he went consciously knowing that he would see Kayla that day. As he sat alone at lunch reading a novel Kayla out of no where came up to him a quickly hugged him tightly, he didnt know what to say or do he immediately felt as though the weight of a sixty ton bolder has been lifted off his shoulders. Jacob's pain wasn't completely fine but he felt alot better eventho he had deep painful cuts on his chest. Their relationship continued as though the breakdown Jacob had two weeks ago was a regular thing, however he still doubted their "forever" together as Kayla had not cared to ask why he acted so strangely then.

They had many dates after which built up their affection and trust for eachother but one date in particular was unalike. Jacob stared at Kayla's bright, tiny brown eyes which reflected the sun and said "I'm inlove with you". He was unsure about everything pertaining their relationship for the past six months but this he was sure about. Kayla said the same thing back and that day seemed to be the best day in their lives as they both smiled uncontrollably whilst they walked home romantically holding hands. Jacob woke up the next day and felt a strange sensation in the air but he just thought that it was because of all the wine he had last night on the date so he just continued getting ready for school. Everything was almost perfect in his life at that point.

Whilst having their usual lunch together Kayla finally asked him about what caused him to have his breakdown weeks ago. Jacob's mouth was shut tight and his face had a startled yet sad expression on it, not because Kayla finally cared to ask him what had happened but as he saw his ex girlfriend Samantha walked through the school gates..


As Jacob thought everything was perfect in his life Samantha appears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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