The Boy Lolita Type - Henry Ichijouji

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Name: Henry Ichijouji

Date of Birth: February 28

Age: 17

Blood Type: AB

Gender: Male

Family: Cousin(alive), Mother(alive), Father(alive)

Personality: cute, childish, funny, sweet, cool, sensitive, scary, kind, nice, loving, caring, kind, brave, friendly, brotherly, and angelic

Relationships: Kai(friend), Taturo(friend), Tamashi(cousin), Ichiro(friend), Jiro(friend), Hitoshi(friend), Yutaka(friend)

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: No one

Skills: Swimming, singing, dancing, fighting, skateboarding, video gaming, managing, art, writing, drawing, and knife throwing

Appearance: Short messy blonde hair, golden-brown eyes, and fair skin

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 42 kg(97 lb.)

Likes: Kai, Tatoru, Tamashi, Ichiro, Jiro, Hitoshi, Yutaka, sweets, spicy foods, sushi, crab cakes, million dollar pie, tea, singing, shorts, boots, blue, red, green, orange, black, white, yellow, gray, and scarlet.

Dislikes: poisonous/dangerous animals and jerks.

Theme Song: Tokyo Teddy Bear

Bio: Henry Ichijouji is considered a "boy lolita" or "loli-shota;" basically, an older boy who is attractive to girls because he is child-like and cute. Henry, himself, loves cute things and indulges in sweets of cake and candy on a near-constant basis; this, despite being smaller than average for his age and a martial arts champion. He is a perennial optimist with an innocent approach to life that makes him appear to be more like an elementary school student instead of a 3rd-year high school student, as well as the eldest of all the Hosts. He is often seen riding on the shoulders of his best friend and cousin, Tamashi Hitamora, and is almost always carrying his stuffed rabbit, Yuma-chan. When he speaks about positive things, flowers float about his head.

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