Their First Fight

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“That shirt is really fugly! Who in their right mind would wear that!”

“I mean, she seriously said that?!”

“Such an attention seeker. No way your dad really did that…!”

“And then-“



“Beautiful today too-“

“I hope-“

Renae held her head in her hands, hoping against all hope that those whispers would stop. Except nobody was saying those words. It was nearing the end of the period. It was also the last 5 minutes of the test. At this point, no matter how much ever she tried, those words, those whispers wouldn’t go away. Renae was sure her GPA would drop if this continued. Those whispers made her unable to concentrate even more than before. Even if the class was so quite that even a single drop of water would be heard if it fell, yet she couldn’t concentrate because of those whispers.  

This started to happen about a week ago, when she noticed that wounds on inflicted on her by those animals had disappeared. Just hours after that, during the fifth period of school, she started to hear those voices. No, maybe she had begun to hear them since the morning, but failed to notice it. At first, when she realized she was hearing voices, she dismissed it. The voices were so low, they were easily ignored. That’s why she called them whispers. But then, they started up again. Gaining volume from low to high, in the week past that followed, Renae could hear the voices as if they were standing right next to her and shouting in her ears. In the beginning, Renae was mildly though that she was going mad, or maybe she had schizophrenia. But she only heard voices, not hallucinated. So, it was a small possibility that she was going mad. A small negligible possibility. Now, it was full blown concern that her GPA would drop. And so, for the sake of her GPA, and as a cumulative result, her CGPA, this had to stop. Those voices, those whispers were going away.

The bell rang and the teacher started to collect the tests. The whispers started again, this time louder than before as the class ended and lunch break started. Renae gave a small tired smile to the teacher as he approached the last bench where she sat and collected her test paper. It was not as good as she had hoped. She would barely score 17 out of 20 and these were the limited marks test. She would have to cover her lost numbers on the as-much-as-you-can-get tests where there was no upper limit. For that, she would have to study. What a bother.

She stood up from her desk in annoyance, grabber her bag and speed-walked out of the class-room. She had procrastinated for too long. If she didn’t hurry, the canteen would have a long line, go out of limited stock food and the nearest wash-rooms would be crowded by gossiping women who would not move away from the mirror even after fluffing their hair 20 times in 5 minutes.

And so, in her desperation, she pushed people out of the way even more harshly than she normally did, without caring whom she hurt. Thus, she felt the pain in her shoulder when she crashed with a guy’s shoulder and felt a slight shock.

“Watch where you’re going, idiot!”  Renae said turning her head back and then continuing on her way to the canteen.

“You should watch too, you know!” The guy shouted back.

“Let it go Adrian. Hurry to the library!” Renae heard another person shouting too.

‘Ah, whatever, it doesn’t concern me. Food comes first.’ Renae thought, ‘ but that was odd…’ The stranger guy had shocked her. Literally shocked her.


“Come on Addy!” Mat said as they wrestled against the crowd of students going in the opposite direction.

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