First Impressions Are Made To Be Ever-Lasting

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“This is Ken from the C section of the same year. He’ll be in the same A section as you guys now, so I don’t want any complaints of mistreatment from anyone. I won’t point any fingers, but you know who I’m talking to. Ken, be a dear and take one of the last bench seats. It’s the only one that hasn’t been assigned and is free.” The teacher said.

Ken looked at the class with a bored look. Sure, what he did was wrong and he shouldn’t have attacked his bullies, but missing a month of studies and taking an early class assignment test on his day back shouldn’t have resulted in this. But no, his luck just had to run out. The class assignment test was chosen randomly and just happened to be on the one subject which was his strong point. Now, he was out of his safe haven of section C and in the most competitive section A. Now he was sure to be at the rock-bottom again. Or maybe he could hope for an intelligent person from whom he could copy to sit next to him.

Ken started walking towards the back of the class where the teacher had pointed. He felt stares on him because of his new look. He glared back at the people staring at him and saw them flinching when he did so. He felt satisfied. His black hair was now cut shorter at the back longer at the front in a delinquent kind of way. His eye-brows had been arched perfectly to give a slightly feminine look to his features by the ‘help’ of Denise Duncan. He repressed a shiver at the thought of that woman. She had taken his ‘nerdy’ and ‘normal’ look as a challenge and forced a transformation on him, both physically and mentally. He now understood why the government had appointed her as the person in charge of the clean-up of the whole mess. No one could say ‘no’ to her, no one could resist her claws. Once caught by her, you could never be free.

He put down his books on the bench with a loud ‘bang’. If his day was going to be bad, then he was going to make it bad for the person sitting next to him too. With that thought, Ken sat down and slammed his hand down on the desk with another ‘bang’. Feeling satisfied with himself, he turned to glare at the person next to him,

“Hey you-“

And froze. Straight brown hair in a pony-tail coming down to a little above the shoulder blades.  Icy blue eyes focused on a book kept on the desk. Cheek resting slightly on the palm of her hand with her elbow kept on the desk. He had heard about the girl sitting next to him. The person sitting next to him was one of the two ice-ranked individuals of the school, Renae Sullivan.

“What?” that one word brought him back to his senses. The Renae Sullivan was looking at him. Her usual poker-face that she was seen with was gone, replaced with a slightly irritated look. Her palm that was supporting her cheek was now set on the table, her body turned half-way towards him. Ken was now in a dilemma.

The Renae Sullivan was called ‘The Ice Empress’ or ‘The True Ice Queen of Gillen High’ by the people in her class since her first year in the school. At first, she looked like a completely normal good-looking quiet girl with delicate feminine features. However, in the first month of her first year, it became clear that she had a sharp-tongue and was quick witted to the extent that she would tear apart anyone who would talk to her the wrong way. Though she was sorted in the F section, the lowest ranked class in the beginning, she jumped quickly to the C section and then the A section at the end of the mid-terms. With beauty, brains and wit, there was no boy in the whole of Gillen High who knew her and still dared to confess to her. Even her nick-name as an ‘Ice-Empress’ was kept on the low because of the fear of what she would do to the person whom she heard it from.

It’s said that it’s impossible to trace the source of a rumour. But no one was willing to risk it in case of The Renae Sullivan. If the nick-name of ‘The Ice Empress’ or ‘The True Ice Queen of Gillen High’ was ever heard by her, then she would trace it to the person who started it and make a list of all those who used it. Then she would humiliate them in front of the whole school and tear each and every-one of them apart with her fangs until not even bones remained. 

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