part 1

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15 years ago a tailed beast appeared. The tailed beast destroyed many towns and caused severe damage to all the people in vale.

Officer: Everyone run to the underground bunker. (Looks around to see if civilians need help)

Lady: My baby! (runs to her child)

Beast: (Roars and swipes arm to kill the lady and her child)

Officer: No! (runs toward the lady) Damn I wont make it.

Lady: Ahhhh!!! (shields her baby)


Officer: (stops and eyes widen) What the.....

???: (places down the family members)

Beast: (Roars!)

(Through earpiece)

Ozpin: So what do you intend to do? (drinks coffee)

???: The one thing I have to. (pulls out sword)

Ozpin: And that is?

???: Take care of y/n. (teleports tailed beast and himself far away)

Ozpin: (looks at scroll) Just like always (drinks coffee) I guess thats what the hokage has to do.

With Hokage

???: Farewell y/n.

(Explosion seen from far away)

15 years later

Officer: Get back here!

Y/n: You got to do better than that loser! (turn's around a corner and jumps ontop of building)

Officer: Where did he go? (goes through door)

Y/n: Hahaha! (jumps across building) What an idiot!

???: Who's an idiot?

Y/n: Ahhh!!! (crashes onto roof) Uh...... (shakes head) What was that for?!

???: I told you to stay home didn't I. (waves her wand and she picks you up)

Y/n: I don't get why I have to stay home while you get to have fun out here. (rubs dirt off shoulder)

???: I don't have fun out here I told you I work out here.

Y/n: (crosses arms) Whatever, you still get to come out here.

???: (smiles) Don't be like that how about I make cookies later.

Y/n: (smiles) Alright! (dances) Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!

(Window breaks)

Y/n: Hm? (stops and looks down) What's going on here.

???: Get back here!

???: End of the line red! (throws red dust and shoots it) Woo!!! (laughs) What?

(smoke reveals all three of you shielded)

???: What the hell!


???: (throws down crystal)

Y/n: No! (jumps down and tackles the girl out of the way)

Mom: Y/n! (jumps down and shields both)

???: (shoots dust)

Mom: (creates a thunder storm)

???: Damn! (goes to pilot) we got a huntress.

???: (gets up and starts shooting flames)

Y/n: (helps ??? up) You alright?

???: Yeah. (scythe turns into a gun and starts shooting)

Y/n: Wow! (looks in awe)

???: (makes flames under all three of you)

Mom: (uses her wand to move you two out of the way and cartwheels to dodge)

??? and ???: (fly away)

???: (looks at your mom) Your a huntress. (smiles) Can I have your autograph!


(Ruby as you heard left the room)

Mom: (looks at you) You are in big trouble young man.

Y/n: What did I do!?

Mom: You jumped infront of danger without thinking about what would happen to you!

???: But he did save a life Glynda. (walks in)

Y/n: (looks at him) See he knows why I did it.

Mom: That doesn't matter Ozpin he could've gotten seriously hurt.

Ozpin: (looks at you) Y/n do you know about the incident that happened 15 years ago. (places down cookies)

Y/n: (smiles and grabs cookies and eats) Yeah the hokage had protected Vale from the tailed beast that attacked here.

Ozpin: That's right he did. (sips coffee)

Mom: Why are you telling him this?!

Ozpin: Y/n you want to protect everyone like the hokage did correct.

Y/n: Yes I do but (looks down) when I do I end up causing more trouble.

Ozpin: You know about my school correct?

Y/n: Yes its where Huntsman and Huntress train to become warriors and help people.

Ozpin: Do you want to come to my school?

Y/n: Yes I do.

Mom: I think not! (slams hands on table)

(Both of you look at her)

Mom: I am not going to let my son go there!

Y/n: Mom I want to go there so I can protect anyone and people will respect me!

Ozpin: (takes Glynda outside so they can talk)

Y/n: (looks down) I probably went to far.

(2 minutes later)

Mom: (opens door) Fine you can go to Beacon. (crosses arms)

Y/n: (looks up and smiles) Thanks mom! (hugs her tightly)

Mom: But your not getting anymore desserts.

Y/n: What!!!


Y/n: (looks around Bullhead) Wow this is so high!

???: (whispers loudly) Is that him.

???: (whispers back) Yeah thats him.

???: (shushes them) We're not suppose to talk about that!

Y/n: (glares at them)

(News reporter)

The infamous Roman Torchwich was seen taking more dust last night.

(bing bong)

???: Hello and welcome to Beacon.

Y/n: Mom? (turns around)

Mom: You are among the privilege few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experienceing an incredible time of peace. And as future Huntsman and Huntress, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn, to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world. (hologram disappears)

Y/n: Looks like im finally going to achieve my goal.

Male Jinjuriki Reader X Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now