Part 6

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Y/n: (looks at target from tree) Your not escaping this time.

???: (jumps and runs off)

Y/n: Oh no you don't! (runs after it)

???: (gets cornered and turns around)

Y/n: (catchs it) Got you!

???: (tries scratching you)

Y/n: (holds it away) Lost pet Tora captured.


Lady: There you are Tora I was so worried. (gets hugged tightly)

Ozpin: Your next mission is either to baby-sit someone's son or helping his wife go shopping. (looks at you) So which one would you like?

Y/n: Nooooo! (crosses arms) I want to have a real mission not be a babysitter.

(your mom walks in)

Y/n: Besides how come I have to take these mission's alone while my team has to study.

Mom: This is your mission's because you were fortunate enough to learn all of the subjects and since your still new here you have to take mission's like this.

Y/n: (stomach rumbles) Hey when is lunch?

Mom: (smacks your head) Did you even listen to what I said?!

Y/n: Yes it's just Im so hungry.

(Bell rings)

Mom: (sighs) Go ahead looks like its lunch time.

Y/n: Yes! (runs off)


Y/n: (walks in) Lunch time!

???: Ow! That hurts!

Y/n: huh? (looks at ???)

Velvet: Please, stop.

Cardin: Haha, I told you it was real. (tugs more)

Russel: What a freak.

(with your team)

Aqua: (starts to get up)

Cecila: Aqua what are you doing?

Aqua: I'm tried of looking and not doing anything. (starts walking to Cardin)

Cardin: (sees Aqua) Oh look the two freaks are going to help eachother. (grabs Aqua's tail)

Aqua: Ow! Stop what your doing!

Cardin: And what are you going to do about it. (squeezes harder)

Cecila: (starts to get up)

Thomas: (sticks hand out) Look.

Y/n: (walks up to them) Stop it.

Cardin: Looks like we got an idiot to come help save the two freaks. (laughs more)

Y/n: (punches him and throws him against the wall)

Cardin: W-what!

Y/n: (kicks him and unsheathes Kurikara)

Russel: (grabs you while Dove and Sky punch you)

Aqua: Y/n!

Russel: (throws you down)

(All three go to Cardin)

Y/n: (gets up and looks at them) I hate people like you, people that like to pick on someone that is different than them. (brings up Kurikara and lets its flames go bright)

All of them: W-what?! (run to door)

Y/n: YOUR NOT LEAVING! (sends flames to them)

???: (blocks your attack and lifts all of you up) That's enough!

Y/n: (glares at Cardin)

???: Y/n I said that's enough!

Y/n: (looks at her and sighs) Yes mom.

Mom: Now all of you are going to Ozpin's office.


Mom: I knew I shouldn't have let you come here.

Y/n: They started it they picked on a innocent faunus girl and they picked on Aqua!

Mom: But you were the one who started the fight so I suggest you be quiet!

Y/n: (looks down) Im sorry mom.

Mom: (sighs) You may go now, i'll give you your punishment later.

Y/n: Yes mom. (leaves office)

Y/n: I dont understand why I was the only one who... (gets hit in the back of the head)

Cardin: (kicks you) You want to embarrass me huh. (kicks you again) Pick him up!

(His team pick you up)

Cardin: (unsheathes Kurikara) Im going to show you what happens to people who embarrass me.

Russel: Hey calm down man this is... (gets smacked)

Cardin: Shut up! (stabs you)

Y/n: (coughs up blood)

Sky: Y-you actually killed him.

Cardin: (laughs) This is why im the leader because I have the guts to do stuff like this. (starts walking away) Let's go.

Y/n: Your not leaving are you. (gets up)

Cardin: (stops in his tracks) W-what!

Y/n: You think you can kill me that easily. (teleports infront of them looking down)

Cardin: N-no way! Y-you should be d-dead!

Y/n: 1st you attack an innocent girl then you attack my teammate. (pulls out Kurikara) 2nd you try and kill me then try to walk away like it was nothing. (looks up)

All of them: His eye changed!

Y/n: I'll show you what happens when you mess with me or my friends! Tsukuyomi!

Cardin: Ahhhh!!!!

Y/n: (smiles devilishly) You mess with my friends again and that will be for real!

All of them: (pass out)

Y/n: (laughs manically)

???: (appears behind you and knocks you out) Well that's impressive. (picks you up) I never expected you to learn it that fast. (teleports team Cardin to there room) Let's get you to bed. (walks to your room and places you down on the doorstep) Rest well. (knocks on your team's door)

Aqua: (opens door) Y/n!

Thomas: (walks to door and picks you up) What happened to him? (looks at your wound)

Cecila: There's no point in asking him if he's knocked out. (turns to wall and goes to sleep)

Thomas: She's right we can ask him in the morning. (goes to bed and sleeps)

Aqua: (looks at you) Thank you Y/n. (kisses your cheek and goes to her bed)

Male Jinjuriki Reader X Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now