|7| ~Food&Drinks

43 1 0

Samantha's P.O.V.

I'd looked at Finn after asking Niall to stay. He smiled and nodded. I had to do it, I needed someone and Finn could leave any moment. We all went sitting down again and talking about the tour coming up. I think I fell asleep because I heard someone whispering my name.

"Sam... Sammyyy! Wake up hun!"

I looked up and saw it was Finn. I noticed I was laying on his shoulder. I stretched and put me on his lap. he kissed my forehead.

"Sam I am leaving" he whispered against my head. All of a sudden I was totally awake.

"Already?" I asked. I thought he was staying the whole night? Well obviously not, it's only 1:00am. Well..."ONLY" You know what I mean.

"Mum texted me. I am so dead."

I didn't have enough strength to struggle so I just stood up.

"Bye" I said, my eyes filling with tears. He got out of the couch too and took me in his arms.

"I'll miss you" he said.

"I'll miss you too" I replied into his chest.

After a while we let go and smiled one last time at each other.

"Bye guys" Finn said

"Hey Finn, why don't you come to the concert tomorrow? Maybe Sam'll come too if she has somebody." Liam asked.

"Yeah sure thanks" Finn answered without even looking and than left. He left. Forever.

It was quiet for a minute, but it didn't take long before they started asking questions again. it was such a questionfull day.

"Do you guys always have such dramatic goodbyes?" Calum asked. The boys all started talking again. I decided to just ignore it. I wasn't in the mood to tell. I just wanted to be alone and cry. They would find out later.

"I am going to sleep guys" I said, sighting.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Ashton asked now.

I took a deep breath, looked quick at Niall and than at Ashton. I rolled my eyes and answered "No we're not. He's my friend. My only."

"Why your only?" Michael asked.

"I don't want to talk about it okay, another time maybe, just not now." I said. This was getting annoying. Okay.

"And what about us actually? What about me?" Harry asked disappointed.

"You're my cousin's friends. I live with you guys. That does not count." I said and stood up.

Niall's P.O.V.

 Finn left. He finally left. To be honest, I don't like him being around my baby. And certainly not if they cuddle. They shouldn't be doing that. She's mine. The boys were all asking her questions about Finn and friends and theirselves. I didn't try to ask something anyway, I was already happy she wanted me to stay.

"I'm truly going to sleep now" Sam said when she got out of the couch. She avoided the rest of the questions. She came closer to Louis and gave him a kiss on his cheek.


When she was nearby you could see tears filling her eyes.

"And me?" Some voice asked teasingly disappointed. "Is it 5sos's fault?"

It was Harry. Sam rolled her eyes and while walking back to the couch, she said "God forgive me I forgot about Harold"

She kissed Harry on the cheek and walked to the stairs. Right before she lifted her foot, she turned around and looked down.

"I'm sorry guys, I wish this wasn't your first impression of me." She rubbed the back of her head "From this afternoon you know...I didn't mean to be rude to any of you." she continued, now looking up to the 5sos boys.

"It's okay babe" Calum said.

She smiled and went upstairs.

I'd seen a different side of her today. A whole new side, I have to say, but I liked it certainly as much as I liked the side of her I already knew. You know what? I think I even fell more for her.


Everybody grabbed to their phone.

"It was mine!" Louis said.

"Who is it?" Michael asked. "Your honeyponey Eleanor?" He made kiss faces.

"No it's Sam."

"What does she say?" Zayn asked.

"Is she too lazy to come downstairs to tell it?" Calum asked when she got up.

"Yeah, kind of and she asks for somebody to bring her a cup of tea because she can't sleep." Louis said while getting up and walking to the kitchen. Louis sent his reply and put his phone away.

All of a sudden Luke said something. It was the first time since the concert.

"Shall I go?" He asked. Shit. No. I wanted to go. It was obvious she'd almost forgiven me so I had to do something but everybody just kept stopping me from doing it.

"Yeah sure." Louis said. You see. Everybody was stopping me. "I'm making her tea. Anybody else some tea?"

"I'd rather have something to eat." You have to know I always eat when I am upset or mad. Well, I was mad when Luke could bring her tea instead of me.

"Than come and get some"  Louis answered.

I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Empty. Wellll heyyy!

"What's wrong with you?! There's nothing in here!" I turned around to give Louis an angry look.

"Niall, there's enough food. If you don't like it you can go empty your own fridge." Louis replied.

"Allright, allright. I'll order some pizza!" I said "Can I have my nose back please?" I walked away and dialed the pizzeria's number.

Luke's P.O.V.

(A/N I am sorry I'm switching pov's this often, I really hope it doesn't bother any of you!)

"I am leaving too guys! Bye!" Zayn said and waved all of us goodbye before he left.

"Bye!" Louis said and than turned around "Luke, are you coming?" He asked.

"I'm there." I said getting up. I walked passed Niall and got some angry look. He seemed pissed tonight.

"Here you go" Louis said handing me the tea "her room is at the attic so just follow the stairs, okay?"

"Okay" I said and left. Upstairs.

I am sorry I think this isn't the right to end the chapter but I think it'd be too long otherwhise. I hope y'all like it?
If you have anything to recomment or anything just say, I won't bite.
I'm sorry for updating this late but I had alot of homework to do:$ #AlwaysBlameSchool ;P
And I know it's shitty but it is half past three in the morning and I just felt like updating ;$
I am sorry for any spelling mistakes but in this case blame my cellphone (; #AlwaysBlameYourPhone ! haha (;

I won't stop you from following or liking and commenting!

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love


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