|12| ~Runaways&Comebacks

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Niall's POV

We've been looking for her for more than two hours now, and still hasn't found her. Louis told me to stay there, at their home. But how could I stay home if I knew Sam was gone? I got my jacket and told Michael and Luke to stay there. Calum and Ashton went looking for Sam with Louis and Harry. I had to stay with those two. Just in case if Sam'd come back. But, if she'd come back, and I would be gone, Luke would be here to comfort her, not me. Thinking of that, I went back inside, I couldn't leave her alone anymore.

"Are you back already?" Michael asked.

"I didn't leave" I sat down next to him and sighed "Because, what if she comes back here? I want to be here when she returnes."

Michael chew another cupcake and looked at me.

"Well I don't really know Sam, but" he paused to swallow the food "I don't think she's the type to come back really soon."

Luke walked in. "Niall? Didn't you just leave?"

"No..." I think Michael was right. Sam probably wouldn't come back quite soon "But I am going to now" I stood up and ran out of the house. She had to be somewhere.

Luke's POV

I can't understand how much he could actually eat. He never seems to stop. He keeps eating and eating and eating. Mike and I were watching some tv. We had to stay here. Why couldn't I go with them look for Sam? Why did she actually leave? Mm.. Michael went through the channels "Boring... Boring...Boring..." He was true it was boring. Would anyone blame me if I went back upstairs to look at Sam's cd's? Well, actually they couldn't, we were sleeping there. I went upstairs and heard some soft noices. Seemed like someone was playing the guitar...

Sam's POV

*2 Hours later*

I was sitting in the couch with Michael and Luke, watching MTV. I heard the front door lock. They were back. Luke told me they all went looking for me as soon as I left, and they had to stay home. But they were searching at the wrong places. I didn't have my skateboard, so I knew that, if somebody would come after me, I would probably not be quick enough. So I climbed up the tree next to the house. Luckily that was something useful from my past. The tree had this big bough coming near to my terrace. I know, my room wasn't the best place to hide if I didn't want to be found, but maybe I did want to be found. Someone to comfort me. I played some guitar and than Luke came in. He hugged me for awhile. He didn't ask what was wrong. I liked that. I didn't want to talk about it though. I just needed someone to comfort me, and he did.

"She was nowhere to be found" someone sighed  threwing his keys on the table. Louis and Calum walked into the room. "Sam!" he yelled when he saw me. I smiled and let him hug me. By times, he still was the same old Louis. But on the other side, he'd grown so much. He used to be my big brother, but now he seems to care so much more about me.

"Where is Niall?" He asked now to the boys.Niall probably left. He went home.

"He left. It was kind of strange." Michael said "He left to look for Sam, but didn't leave because he wanted to be here when she came back, but than left though."

"Well, okay than. He's old enough to do his own thing." Than Louis turned back to me. I was still sitting there. I hadn't said a word yet. Louis took me by my shoulders. "Now Sam. Tell me what happened."

I looked down trying to avoid his eyes, trying not to burst out in tears again. "Samantha?" He took my chin in his hands, forcing me to look up. 

"I..." I got interrupted by someone loud walking in.

"We didn't found Sam, but we found someone else." Harry said.

"Yeah! We were at the game shop when we ran into him!" Ashton completed him. They saw me and stopped. Than Niall walked in, when he noticed me his eyes lit up.

"Shht guys, she's here." Calum stopped them. Louis was still waiting for me to answer.

"Well, that's kind of a long story and I don't actually like talking about it" I told Louis.

"Doesn't matter girl, just tell it, we might be able to help you. We're ready to listen."



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